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Everything posted by mas3372

  1. House washes slow?!!?

    I tried the cookie clearing thing, no dice. It might this computer at the station. I will try again when I get home. This owuld be nice to add another hundred or so fax numbers. The time consumption is getting the numbers, after that it is just 30 minutes per month to fax out a letter.
  2. First Time Home Buying Financing

    Congrats on your adventure. I bought my first house at 21 and was very lucky to do so. Get a laywer for closing is right. Money well spent. Look for first time buyer options as you can usually catch a break. Do NOT get a interest only mortgage if you plan on living their more than a few years, this will bite you in the ASS, At all costs, try to lock in at a fixed rate if you plan on living their more than 5 years. If you only want a 2-4 year house before moving, you can save a lot of money wit a 3 -1 arm type mortgage. Rates are still fairly low despite recent increases that locking in at a fixed is worth it. Shop for Ins. Try your auto carrier to do your house as well. I have a seperate agent for just home because it was cheaper, but not always the case. Most people want a fixer upper for the first to save some money. Think this through. If you see things that need to be fixed then their are usually more things that you can't see that need to be fixed. If you are going to have a new mortgage and can't afford the work to fix it up, you will be miserable. Shop around but don't be afraid to be impulsive. If you find the house you want in the area you want, be aggressive. You don't want to lose any you will regret. Good luck
  3. House washes slow?!!?

    Mike, I was playing with that fax website. They only give the first 61 for each town and I know there are several more. Do you know if there is a way to get around this.
  4. House washes slow?!!?

    When I get home tomorrow I will post my latest one. Very similar to what Jeff does down in myrtle beach. I used his for ideas.
  5. House washes slow?!!?

    Great link for the fax numbers. I spent hours going thru the phone book and writing down the phone numbers and then calling and asking for the fax number. I then bouth a cheap all in one printer, fax, scanner, copier and make my newsletter in MS WORD. All the fax numbers in in the address book. Just go to print, select fax, for a number I select all fax numbers, hit enter and go to bed. About 4 hours later, all the faxes are done.
  6. House washes slow?!!?

    The faxing last night to my fax lists of restaraunts, PM, store fronts, etc. paid off today. I will being doing the flat work at a Cracker Barrel next week. After that I managed to schedule 3 cleanings for tomorrow. I hope I get some more calls tomorrow, it seems that when I am pressure washing, I get the calls. I also called back the 5 or 6 pending bids I gave for residential and left messages so hopefully some of them will call back as well. At least I got some work for tomorrow.
  7. Oxalic Acid

    So I have learned today a few things. One, restore can not strip cedar shingles like I would like them to. Second, I will also need to neutralize or brighten the wood afterwards. Oxalic acid seems to be the choice. However, I see it going for $40 for 10 pounds on some sites. but then I have found it on chemistrystore.com for 40 pounds for $65. Is this the same stuff as far that everyone is using? Thanks.
  8. Oxalic Acid

    So 4 pounds per bucketand then x-jet means you are spraying about 1/2 pound per gallon. So I if I downstream it at 12%, I should mix it as much as I can per gallon, Probably only about 1 pound or so will disolve I would think. Does anyone downstream oxalic and if so, what conc. do you mix it at. Thanks.
  9. House washes slow?!!?

    This is good to know - meant. Wow I am tired. Worked 16 hours at the station yesterday, 10 hours today. Came home, made the wife dinner, sent her to work, gave the little ones a bath, put 'em to bed. And have been glaring at TGS ever since. I think it is time for bed. New forum idea. 12 step program to avoid TGS for just one day. I will have to check that book out as well. thanks for the idea.
  10. House washes slow?!!?

    This good to now. Come to think of it, I am holding off on having stuff done because of a vacation planned, two golf tournaments to lose, time to spend with the family and so on. I hope it picks up. I am confident it will.
  11. House washes slow?!!?

    Still real slow. I think I have had 2 calls in the past week and half. I am getting nervouse. I was doing so well, tons of calls, tons of businessness. Perhaps it is just the July season that everyone seems to agree on. I am faxing out this months newsletter as we speak. I compiled a fax list of about 150 numbers for local banks, hotels, property management, shopping centers, etc. I am just not sure what I should do next. Follow them all up with a phone call or sit and wait. stop in. Any advise.
  12. estimate sheet(what do u think??)

    Here is the form that I use. I buy 500 3 part forms at 8 1/2 by 11 for $90. Do a great job and fast turn around. www.whitedogpress.com. Feel free to use my form if you think it may work for you or modify it as needed. If you do so, just please remember to change the company name at the bottom. Invoice to post.doc
  13. estimate sheet(what do u think??)

    I fill that in the blank line at the bottom if applicable. It is not part of the hard copy form. I will try to post a copy of mine tonight when I get home. It has worked very well for me.
  14. estimate sheet(what do u think??)

    I also throw in a note at the bottom that says. If you choose 3 or more surfaces, deduct 10%. choose all surfaces, deduct 15%.
  15. Happy 4th Everyone

    Just wanted to say Holiday to everyone. Hope you have a fun and safe day with your families. Lucky me, I am stuck at the station today until 1030 tonight so I can go home and com back in the morning. I do get upfront seats to the fireworks though, about 30 feet from their fired off, perk of the job I guess. Well, Happy 4th.
  16. Happy 4th Everyone

    Yup, A firefighter full time, for 15 years and 1 more month, haha. Love the job - just takes a toll on you.
  17. estimate sheet(what do u think??)

    I would recommend a set of colums with rows and each column having a title. ie, surface, area, price, misc. I use this and have 8 rows. One invoice might look like: vinly house, 2400 square feet, $375, walk out basement gutter scrub, 250 ft, included, minor streaking pool apron, 340 ft2, $125, irrigation rust then the bottom I have a price total. This just works for me because I never know whatelst they may want cleaned. Check out www.whitedogpress.com , good prices and fast turn around. I went with a 3 part, I leave the pink as their estimate. I retain the white and yellow. The yellow then becomes their signed reciept.
  18. Stain on vinyl siding

    How about the stains right around the furnace vetns and stove venst. Anything take these out?
  19. dont' get down about it. Just read a bit more. Find out what type of work you want to do and then figure what type of equipment you need. Check out insurance prices and check with your state to see if you need a license. contact your bank and ask about a small personal loan (business loans are near impossible for a new business) for about 8-10k and you should be able to get a good set up. Look used as well. A 10k note will add a monthly payment of about $250, one job per month will pay for that. Good luck.
  20. Why is it everytime I turn the burner on and start pushing some 180 degree water, I get a leak somewhere. All my hoses are rated to 220 degree as are my guns, lances, nozzles etc. But everytime I turn it on I get another leak somewhere. It always seems to be in the swivel end of a hose. Is there a way to fix this. Thanks, MIke
  21. buying inferior products with no money to advertise will not have a good outcome. Even if you go work, using low end equipmnet, it would take you so long to do a decent job that your hourly rate will not justify your work. Look for a small business loan to get started for at least $5,000 or save some money first. I just started and it cost me about $13,000 to start, I bought very good equipment and a huge machine. Do some more research here and will soon see the need for good equipment. don't forget a grand for insurance as well.
  22. The X-Jet debate

    I spent hours and hours reading the debate on which is better. I thought x jet was the way to go. Instead of spending another 20 hours reading, I spent $50 at pressure tek and 1 hour outside and saw for myself. Having both used the x jet and the downstreamer, downstreaming is for me. Save you time, buy both and see for yourself. You will probably find both have their uses.
  23. House washes slow?!!?

    I had a busy past 4 weeks and this week only 4 jobs and just 1 set for next week. I have several bids out there waiting but the lowballers in the area with junk equipment are staying busy. I sent out the first 1000 post cards and got 50 calls and several jobs. Just sent out 500 more to the same demographic group in another neighboring town and have not had one call. Ironic. The weather has also been horrible. The few nice days we have I end up PW and no time to golf. This depressess me.
  24. Tips For Downstreaming

    Odd Jobs, You will be happy you tried both. I tried to downstream with the wrong equipment so I bought and X jet. I then got the proper injector and with a little advise from Bob at pressure Tek, I love downstreaming. I still use the M Jet nozzle to rinse. If only someone made an adjustable pattern nozzle that dosn't cost $150. I read thread after thread on one vs. the other and am glad I tried for myself. Call bob at pressuretek, he will help you with all the nozzles you need.
  25. The Grime Scene Roundtable

    I am very interested, and AC is perfect for me. I do however have my annual golf trip planned from 10-22 to 10-29, If it ends up being a week before or after, I am in. It would be great to meet many of you that have helped me as well as learn a few things. Mike