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Posts posted by Camelot

  1. David - there are several freeware pdf printing programs out there (ie: pdf995). Just find one, install it and when you go to print the invoice from QB, you will have an option of which printer to choose. Your new pdf program will be listed as a "printer". When you print to the program it will create an adobe pdf file that you name and put it where you choose. I hope that makes sense...I'm terrible at explaining things like this.

    - John

  2. Hey guys...need some help....

    I just received my brand spankin' new shipment of F18 Max and I'm about to tackle my old deck in the yard to see how it works (I've read great stuff about it here). At risk of sparking an xjet vs. downstream debate, I need some help on mix ratios.

    I will be applying the F18 Max with an xjet at 4gpm. Assuming it's a 5-6 year old PT deck with old stain on it, what is my general mix ratio per gallon? There are mix ratios included in the shipment, but I don't know if they're for use with an xjet or a pump sprayer, etc. I also tried the search function here at the Grime Scene, but it only lets you search for words that are 4 letters or longer...F18 obviously fails to qualify...maybe I should try effeighteen...LOL

    Thanks for any assistance!

  3. Hank - Great job on that house! Looks awesome! You echoed a lot of the same sentiment that I have for the folks on this board. The knowledge that I have gained on this board and from speaking to some personally gave me the confidence to really be a pro at what we do. That confidence and professionalism is conveyed to my customers and ultimately results in more business. As a group, we do the little things very professionally...logos, uniforms, signage, color business cards, and of course phenomenal work. Given what our competition is sometimes, I find it very easy to stand out with my own professionalism...all thanks to the information I have gathered from this board.

    - John

  4. A very reliable source told me that butyl based cleaners work well when brushed on and rinsed with low pressure on canvas awnings...Has anyone ever used this method or have an opinion on whether it would work well? Of course I will test an area first...just wondering if anyone's ever done it. Thanks folks.

    - John

  5. Mike - Honestly, the difference is not tremendous to the naked eye, but I sell the benefits of the wax to the customer by making an analogy to waxing a car...it simply helps keep the vinyl cleaner for a longer period of time by protecting the surface. For the very low cost of adding it to my solution, I have gained many jobs (this coming directly from the customers) by having this added service. At least where I am, people are sick and tired of getting nickeled and dimed for every little service and will gladly pay a higher price for an "all inclusive" service. Regarding hot water, if I even use it on vinyl (rarely) it's NEVER over 120 degrees...my 2 cents. Hope that helps...

    - John
