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Posts posted by Camelot

  1. I love having my tunes on my Mp3 player...I had a Nomad jukebox, but I am switching to the Ipod 30gig...Just a tip: You can either purchase water proof cases for your MP3 player, or put it in a zip lock bag in your pocket. I like the zip lock because it's easier to maneuver the buttons...works well unless of course you soak it in bleach or something...

    - John

  2. My company offers a "multi-service" discount to customers that have their house and driveway/sidewalk cleaned at the same time. I had a homeowner that wanted their house cleaned yesterday, but didn't see the benefit in having her concrete cleaned.

    I cleaned half of her front porch (see attached) and called her outside. I explained that I cleaned her porch at no extra charge so I could illustrate how nice the front of the house would look with clean concrete. She had me do both immediately! She couldn't believe the difference. In this case, I don't think a test spot would have had the same "wow" effect.

    I just thought it would be cool to point out that sometimes as much as we hate to give away service, it can sometimes benefit you more than you imagined!

    - John


  3. I am redesigning a newsletter to send to my customers, potential customers and customers whose business I didn't get for one reason or another. Would anyone be willing to share their newsletters with me to help me with ideas (layout, design, etc.)? If you don't want to post it, I would really appreciate an email. Thanks to anyone that can help.

    - John

  4. Kyle -

    If you can't hold the wand because it's too hot, and the hose feels hot to the touch, my guess is that you are crankin' some really hot water! When mine gets like that it usually means I turned the thermostat up too high. Usually, by the time the water sprays out, hits a surface, and bounces back to your legs/feet, it will naturally cool off. My overspray usually feels warm, not hot. What you are experiencing seems normal for a hot water unit. Hope that helps.

    - John

  5. DEFINITELY pick a lighter bat...My son is also 8 and started teeball about 3 years ago. We went to a few local sports stores looking for a bat. We saw bats for $100-$200!!! I said NO WAY and went to WalMart for the $25 special. His first season, we just thought he was terrible at baseball (couldn't hit worth a crap...LOL). Well, it happened to be the last game of the season and his coach picked up his bat, walked over to me and said "Why is he hiting with this lumber?" I explained how expensive the other bats were. It turns out the bat was like 25 ounces. He gave him an 18 ounce bat and he started hitting like Reggie Jackson (ok, maybe I'm a bit prejudiced towards my son and the Yanks). I felt terrible and of course started buying him "better" bats...even though it KILLS me to shell out the bucks for a BAT...remember we like hundreds of wooden ones as kids? Now they carry 'em in cases and stuff...LOL...anyway, his game has improved dramatically over the past 3 years...worth every penny for his self esteem!

    - John

  6. It's strange to say, but it's almost like having an on-line, infinite manual on how to be a successful pressure washer. I haven't had a question left unanswered, and the support is amazing. It has become a family joke in a way, because every time something goes wrong with my equipment, or I have an issue of some kind, we all say "it's time to hit The Grime Scene."

  7. So I was sitting on the driveway, covered in soot from head to toe, looking at the heating coil that I just removed from my burner. There were pieces of insulation, wires, screws, pieces and parts etc...my wife kept nervously glancing at me as she trimmed the bushes in the front yard. You see, my burner wasn't firing correctly...it was smoking, spitting flames, etc...real scary stuff.

    Now some of you are wondering "so big deal, you take it apart, clean the coil, remove any debris and 'voila'!" For me, this was a MAJOR undertaking. I have never been the handiest guy in the world, but becoming the owner of a pressure washing company quickly changed that. I shop vacced the burner, cleaned up the coil, cleared debris, made sure everything was firing properly and it WORKED!

    I guess my point is that I, like many, have spent HOURS researching my chosen profession, usually ending up right where I started: The Grime Scene. I can't count the times I have gotten valuable information and help from legitimately GOOD people. In short, thank you to those that take the time to help. TGS has become an invaluable resource for me and has helped earn a living for my family. So without getting too sappy, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for my fellow professionals, their thirst for knowledge, and their willingness to share.

    - John


  8. I feel like an idiot even asking this question, but here goes...I've had the same pw trailer since I started in this business (2 years), along with the same hoses, etc. Well, lo and behold, my hose has sprung a small leak. I was looking at the connector in the middle of my reel and can't for the life of me figure out how the heck to get the hose off the reel. I have no leverage to turn a wrench in the middle of the reel, and doesn't seem to have any area where I can access it easier...am I going crazy, or is there a tool that will help?...obviously I'm not the handiest guy in town...LOL...thanks for any help.


  9. I need help...I just landed a large new home builder contract that calls for flatwork and some brick veneer. I've done lots of flatwork, but the only brick I've cleaned is existing residential where I use my standard house wash. Does anyone have any recommendations on what to use for new brick? Is there anything that can be x-jetted, as these are 2 story homes. Thanks folks!

    - John
