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Posts posted by YVPW

  1. McMaster-Carr has the 6" Osborn's with the round bristles, there less aggressive than the rectangulars but for the price you can't beat them. They sell them for 30 some dollars each, with excellent shipping. I'm also gonna experiment with another brush this year, if it's any good I'll post what it is. Go to McMaster-Carr on the section to the left were you search. Type in Abrasive Brush and then you'll see the Cup Brushes just scroll down till you find them. Get the 80 grit.

  2. Dan, Ken is pretty much right on the money with the Woodrich. I've used probably 60-75 gallons of it. You will have to apply more stain with Woodrich compared to Wood Tux. Just soak the wood, and make sure there's no puddles. And wait a while, it's according to the temp where you're at, and then if there's any shiny's wipe them off with a rag, if needed soaked in mineral spirits, before they dry. I don't know how old the deck is you're doing. If it's pretty old like 10 or so. I would mix the Rich and Tux together to thicken it up some or just go with straight Tux. If you don't it will take a lot more of the Rich to fill the wood up. I think the Woodrich by itself works great on newer decks. I've used both the Shurline and PADCO pads, the padco's are a lot better. I'll never use the Shurline's again.

  3. Jeff you know all of us love you. I know religion is a touchy subject and it makes it worse when people have to read off of these boards. Sometimes what a person is saying and meaning is two different things, it's always better to talk in person. But since we have these boards we do like to talk about life and everything about it. Jeff, the most simple advice I can give you if you really have a hunger to know God. Just pick up an easy to read Bible and start reading the Gospels or the Epistle's that Paul wrote. But first ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you and to lead you to the place you need to be, it's that simple, the rest God will do. Really religion is hanging aroud the Cross, Christianity is getting on it. I don't even like the word religion, it's about a relationship with God that matters, the one true God, creator of heaven and earth. There's only one way to get that relationship with God, and that's through His Son Jesus. It's not through Mary, through a Pope, through Mohammed, through Buddah or any Hindu god. Only through the name of Jesus. I know man tries to work there way into heaven by doing good works and this and that. It's really simple, there isn't anything that you can do that's good enough. That's where Jesus comes in, someone had to pay for our sin. The shed blood of Christ washes our sins away if we come to Him and surrender our whole life to Him. I could quote Scripture for all this but, I'm just talking to you from person to person. God loves everyone, and I mean everyone, even Osama bin Laden and people like that. But just because God loves them, doesn't mean they will be with Him in heaven for eternity. You must be born-again born of the Spirit. We must turn from our sin loving ways and follow Jesus. Salvation is really the most simple thing, and also the greatest miracle. It's supernatural, just like healing the sick or raising the dead, cause it really is raising the dead in a spiritual sense. We were all once dead in our sins, all doomed to an eternity without God, cause he doesn't let sin come into the Kingdom of Heaven. But Christ when he breathes the breath of life into us His Spirit, we are made new and actually receive life, and not only life, but eternal life. I know you've read these things before, what I'm telling you is the truth according to the Word of God which is the ultimate truth. I used to do it all man, all the parties, drugs, clubs, rock concerts, women, fancy cars, but one day(I had many praying for me) I just surrendered my life to Jesus, and at that instance everything in my life changed. At that instant the desires for those things left. It all starts on the inside of a person before it ever manifest on the outward. Once the Spirit of God is in a person the other questions that a lot of you are asking can be understood. Although there are some things we can't understand in this world. If you've ever heard the saying "it's better felt than telt". Meaning it's hard to explain it, you just have to experience it for yourself. Our body soul and spirit couldn't hold it all. I hope this helps you, Jeff. God Bless

  4. Jeff, I was just using the media as in today's world how they and movies portray it that way. It makes people think that when they think of Christianity they think of the Pope and Priests and all that. When in fact that isn't Christianity. The whole Catholic teaching is a doctrine of demons. Really born-again believers look like nuts and crazy people to the world, the Bible tells us it will be like that. I bet you all really would think were crazy if you came to the type of services I go to. People speaking in tongues with interpretation, words of wisdom and prophecy, laying hands on the sick and the Power of God hitting them. Either you would think were crazy, or you would surely say that God is amongst them. Why don't some of you come on over and we'll lay hands on you and see if it's real? I know the Truth, cause Christ is the Truth, if you don't know Him you don't know Truth. How do I know this? The Spirit is inside me, His Spirit bears witness with my spirit.

  5. Catholicism isn't Christianity, the Pope and all that stuff doesn't represent Christianity although the media labels it that way. It's another religion not based on the Bible. If you wanna understand the Bible, you must first have the Spirit that wrote the Bible inside of you. You will never understand it otherwise, I don't care if you've read it a 1,000 times over and know all the Hebrew and Greek. That's what's confusing those of you who aren't born again, and some who aren't filled with the Spirit. You're trying to understand something spiritual but with your natural mind, and you will never do that. Rod I can tell you've read a bunch of stuff about religion and things. Call upon the name of Jesus and forget the other garbage. I know being raised Catholic for some of you makes things confusing. I'm telling you that all that stuff has nothing to do with a relationship with God.

  6. Neil, I'm also putting my house on the market. I decided to go with a local realtor here. She has gotten me jobs before so I thought I would return the favor to her. This company will also list our house in the MLS for the larger cities, that way we can get more coverage. It really is a lot to pay, but I know it will speed the process of selling up, and what everyone else had to say about being here and screening prospective buyers. Are you building or buying? If you have a party I'm coming up. Me and my wife are gonna downsize and try to get rid of house payments. It will take a little while to get used to not living in a new house, but the end result will be well worth it. We wanna save up for what I really want, a log house. I just love the beauty of wood, there's nothing like it. I've already been dreaming about the different types of wood I want for the house. Right now the top choice for house is Cypress with Northern White Cedar second. Deck floor probably IPE, possibly another hardwood, supports Cypress.

  7. I'm wanting to change my business name. I've been wanting to do it for a while now. I figure I need to do it now while the business is still young, it would be harder to do later on. Right now the Yadkin Valley in my business name sort of hinders me in spreading out from this little area, I live in Yadkin County. People constantly ask me where I'm from. I hate telling them I'm 45min.'s to an hour away, so I try to get around not telling, :lol:They have named this area the Yadkin Valley mainly because of the wine region going wild. When I started the business I didn't really think of moving out from here. I want a name that doesn't connect me to one region. I have to travel 30 minutes every way to get to a larger city. I feel like people will think I will charge more since it relates to another area. I've always hated I named it this. Now to changing it. I like something with Wood Care in it, and Cleaning, or possibly neither one in it, put it something like "Pro Solutions", that kind of heading and have Wood Care and Cleaning somewere in the ad. Also how much do 1-800 numbers cost? I have local numbers for other areas, all those numbers call forward into my main number. I know when I see a 1-800 number I don't like calling them for service, so I thought it might not be good for my business. Any suggestions?

  8. This thread is very informative for anyone in the wood restoration business. It all makes sense, seems like everything comes together with what I've saw when working with stains on wood. Case in point, I have Natural Cedar Ready Seal on my deck right now, it was applied properly. Since it's not a drying oil everything seems to stick to it, it hasn't been on the deck but about 8 months, and is in full sun most of the day. It has a black haze over the whole thing with black streaks running down from the rails. The color is still there, although it needs a very good wash. I also have 3 boards of Wood Tux applied right next to it, not a spot of anything black on those boards. Since the Wood Tux cured stuff doesn't stick to it as bad. These posts just assure me even more how much of a great product Wood Tux and Wood Rich are. In my opinion I don't believe there's 2 better products on the market. I think what everyone has posted here proves it if you really read what has been said.

  9. K & R, you're paying a little over $5 a gallon for the awesome, which means $25 for 5 gallons. And you can't dilute, you can buy F-13 in a 5 gallon pail from Bob for around $55 but you can dilute it to 20-1 which means you're getting a 105 gallons for $55 compare to 10 gallons of Awesome for $55. So 21 Gallons of F-13 for $5 or 1 Gallon of Awesome of $5. You can use it on anything. Switch to the F-13 and save yourself a lot of money

  10. I finished up Season 2 last night, a surprise ending I must say. I won't talk about it though, don't wanna spoil it for the ones who have just started watching the series like me. I'm ready for Season 3, hopefull I can start it this week. Man, I'm having withdrawals already, lol. I talked to my brother-in law, he said he only has an extra for Season 5. If anyone wants it just PM me. The others he just has one copy. They are a hot item, he said the hottest selling box sets on the market.

  11. If anyone wants the box sets of 24 or any type of VHS tape or DVD or games let me know. My brother-in law owns a movie store, he doesn't rent. just trades and sells. He has great deals on everything. He has some rare movies also. He has over 3,000 movies as of right now in stock. He has an e-bay store also that he just started, he still hasn't gotten a chance to get all the movies up on it yet, it takes so long to do it. Here's the link

    http://www.stores.ebay.com/DDR-Media-power he can also get any new release too, even before they are released in stores.

  12. I just recently started watching 24. My brother-in law got me hooked on it. He has all 5 seasons on DVD. I haven't watched it on TV, but I'm sure it's a lot better to have it on DVD, I can't imagine having to wait for another episode, that would drive me crazy, lol. I watched all of Season 1, and it was awesome. Now I'm on Season 2, it started off slow but is now picking up. I'm exactly halfway on it at this point, should get at least 4 more episodes in tonight. It's all I can do to keep from watching Season 6 on TV, lol.

  13. Try using the Laquer Thinner or Acetone instead of the Mineral Spirits, they both will work better. You won't have to scrub with a steel wool or anything with either one of those. You can take a terry towel and wipe the stain right off. The bad thing about Acetone is it evaporates quickly, so just put it in a spray bottle and spray with one hand wipe with the other very quickly, or mix the Thinner and Acetone together. They will also take dried stain off of vinyl siding, but you have to be careful with that it eats away at the siding.

  14. I agree with Ken. I bought the Wagner HVLP that has the turbine and gun built into one piece. For one it's heavier and it tires your arm out doing those rails. And like Ken said the overspray gets sucked right into the turbine and gums it up. Mine eventually just quit working, and I cleaned it everytime I used it. I fixed it one time but then it didn't last long and burnt up. I went ahead and bought the Wagner HVLP with the hose, it's a lot more relief on your arms. The only thing I liked better about the other one is the fact that it doesn't blow out air until you pull the trigger, which the one with the hose continues blowing air. After getting used to it, everything is ok now. Ken is the one you sell very similar to the one you buy at Lowe's? Mine is the Wagner HVLP Fine Mist I believe. I use my Flo-Jet set up which is similar to a deckster for floors most people call those HVLP's but there not.
