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Posts posted by larimoreserv

  1. My wife does all the books also. We have a payroll service that takes out the taxes etc for the guys checks. We also have Workers Comp which is a killer because they are hitting me up @31.4% of payroll. I'm going to contest that next month.

    I will add this.... The most valuable assets to my company is my employees in particular these 2 guys.

    We have a payroll service as well but my wife is taking that over in the next quarter. I pay $225 a month to my payroll company and she can do it with quickbooks for $28 a month. Do you use QuickBooks for your company. Just something to think about. 

    We were also paying through the nose for our Workers Comp and requested and audit. They were basing it on a ridiculous amount. It should go down a lot now that we finished the audit.
