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Everything posted by larimoreserv

  1. We have been revamping our marketing using email, facebook and so on.... Just curious as to what has worked for you and what hasn't. Our main thing that we spend money on for advertising is Google Ads but we would like to find a less expensive way to reach current and future customers. Any suggestions?
  2. I have been in business for almost 15 years and am fortunate to have a great book of business that I have worked very hard to build. My biggest problem is keeping my employees motivated and getting them, honestly, to show up for work at all. Does anyone else have this problem and if so what have you done to rectify this?
  3. We have a payroll service as well but my wife is taking that over in the next quarter. I pay $225 a month to my payroll company and she can do it with quickbooks for $28 a month. Do you use QuickBooks for your company. Just something to think about. We were also paying through the nose for our Workers Comp and requested and audit. They were basing it on a ridiculous amount. It should go down a lot now that we finished the audit.
  4. How do you promote your business?

    We were thinking about asking our customers if we could put a sign in their yard for a week and then pick it back up to advertise. Has anyone done this and how did it work out for you? I'm worried about spending money on the signs and them just go missing before I can get back to them.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. My wife does all of the interviewing for my company so I will pass this on to her. Man, it would be great to find 2 good workers like that. My life would be so much easier! My wife keeps the books too so, no chance someone illegal working for us.