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Everything posted by EnviroClean

  1. Big City vs. Small Town

    TGS 4 Life
  2. Big City vs. Small Town

    TGS 4 Life
  3. Big City vs. Small Town

    TGS 4 Life
  4. Big City vs. Small Town

    TGS 4 Life
  5. Big City vs. Small Town

    TGS 4 Life
  6. Hows Biz

    I am real happy for you Jeff. Keep it up!!
  7. Flyer... wil pay $$

    Keith gets my business as well:)
  8. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If while you are sitting on your throne doing your morning "business" you page through the same 4 or 5 back issues of Cleaner Times Magazine.....you might be a PWer.
  9. Do you wash in the rain?

    Reminds me of the beach around here...not too many electrical storms just lots of water..it's funny people are in the water up to their chests and it starts to sprinkle/light rain..you hear them say "Hurry get out of the water, it's raining you'll get soaked"...I get a laugh every time!!!
  10. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you carry a digital camera with you and takes shots of dirty stuff and potential customers everywhere you go..or if you look on the back of every cleaning product you can put your hands on to see the ingredients....you might be a newbie pressure washer dude.
  11. I have been everywhere on the Island. I need PVC or Stainless Hose barbs to plumb up my Shurflo. I can only find brass.....I did a test and plumbed everything up. Thanks again guys..I love this set up!!!! Now I just need to know where I can get the fittings...online or otherwise. Please help a gringo in Puerto Rico....Land of no PVC/Nylon/Teflon Fittings.
  12. I went to the best hose supply place on the Island. Only brass. This is why this whole business is taking me so long to put together. Oh well, I'll get there. Thanks for the sites Ron And Dan.
  13. Home Cheapo does not have the fittings, been to all of Juan and Pedro's hardware stores. Tried tractor Supply Company online...there is no drop down for Puerto Rico!!!!
  14. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you cruise the Power Washer Aisle at Home Cheapo EVERY SINGLE TIME you go there hoping they will stock something new that you can re-engineer to make it useful.......
  15. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you drive around in truck and cut your wife off as she is jabbering away to say " Good Lordy Lordy Look How Dirty That Building Is"...you might be a....
  16. OFF to Florida

    LOL..Sorry Ken Somehow I ended up on some telemarketer list so I switched the voicemail box to spanish...it only takes a couple of times and clears the whole thing up for about 6 months
  17. OFF to Florida

    You need to be down closer to the $$$. Palm Beach County and Broward, Miami...MONEY MONEY MONEY. There is a huge market in Florida. I used to live west of where Pressure Packed lives in the Acreage. Conditions are perfect for mold and mildew. If I do not set the Island on fire down here, I will move back to Florida and I will own the Pressure wash market in South Florida!!!! Only thinkg is if you go down into Broward and especially Miami/Dade you will need to know Spanish. Hay mucha gente en Miami que no hablan Ingles pero tienen mucho dinero!!!
  18. frustrated

    Wow, did you review your 401K/ Employee stock options and all of the details? Is this just a ploy by the boss man to keep a good guy? You were real close to leaving because you believe in yourself and obviously you have the real boss's (Wife) approval...sounds to me like a good time to DEMAND a sweet raise if you stay on at the 9-5. I wish you success and intestinal fortitude. I really can't give you advice but I know that if I were that committed to running my own business full time and had already given notice, I wouldn't be on the 9-5's payroll come Monday. I would be in the boss's office Monday morning telling him that he cannot afford to not to give me the fleet wash contract and that the building needs a good wash. Stick to your guns my friend....you will be a success!!!
  19. Look what's for sale....

    TGS 4 Life
  20. Awesome!!

    I did exactly One Driveway before I bought my whisper. I would not even consider marketing anyone if I didn't have this tool..sets me apart from the Home Cheapo Rangers..
  21. Sodium Hypochlorite

    Just becareful about buying such a large batch. It will go bad with sunlight and time. Safer buying it in smaller quantities even if it costs more.
  22. Look what's for sale....

    TGS 4 Life
  23. Look what's for sale....

    TGS 4 Life
  24. Look what's for sale....

    TGS 4 Life
  25. I know Northen has them for $57.99 plus shipping. The dude I hooked up with buys bulk from Shurflo..lemme know if you want to contact him. I found him on an ebay auction and worked a deal out with him. The $56 each is for orders of 2 or more. I ordered two cuz I like spare parts!!! Keeps me up and running especially being stranded down on an Island..shipping time could lose me lots of customers.