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Everything posted by EnviroClean

  1. Finally NFL Football Season!

    Go Raiders!!
  2. Grime Scene thread makes Cleaner Times Magazine - Sept issue

    I don't post here much anymore but I think the originator of the "You might be a PW if".....should at least be given a shout out. What do the rest think?
  3. Help Name New Company

    Ok friends, I have decided to definatley get involved with grease. It is going to be rough getting customers up to snuff but the overall response from my market survey has been very positive. I am having trouble coming up with a good name so I thought I'd include the TGS family in on process. My Pressure Wash business official name is rather boring so I will form a new company apart from "EnviroClean Pressure Washing Corporation" I guess I'll do a poll and be open to your suggestions as well.
  4. Logo Theft and Fraud

    Wow I was deleted on this one...imagine....
  5. Honest debate Iraq

    TGS 4 Life
  6. I'm curious...

    Man I would hate to do Hoods in the cold. Greasy Nasty and Cold to boot, no way Jose.
  7. Help Name New Company

    Thanks Larry I've thought of that too.
  8. Help Name New Company

    Terry, Ken is still just stewing because I outbid him on a complete Buck Rogers action figure collection. He had the hots for Colonel Wilma Deering ( Erin Gray) and the TWIKI figure was 4 feet tall. If you ever happen to bump into Ken, look closely and you'll probably see him wearing an Under Roo's Pajama top or his Prized Pressure Washer For Life shirt.
  9. Help Name New Company

    Ken, ahoy matey Ye be needing ta work on the Restore-a-Peg Leg line of products. Should help with the Wenches and keep the scurrvy grease off. Arrrrrr!!!
  10. Help Name New Company

    Hello he uses hot water....better yet he uses hot water shot out at high pressure, kitchens are hot, he is good and fast at what he does...He is a HotShot Grease Cleaner Dude
  11. Help Name New Company

    I like HotShot I think it is very clever. I am just thinking long term and plan to travel between Islands when I get larger, St Thomas, StCroix, Dominican Republic. I like the idea of a more "Caribbean" themed name that is catchy? I do like EnviroClean but when I went to Incoporate there was already and EnviroClean, Inc. So they made me change it, I guess I lost some of the love for the name right then and there.
  12. Help Name New Company

    Hey my Hood Sticker can be gold foil and resemble an ancient piece of 8.
  13. Help Name New Company

    ARRRRrrrr Lance, Dead Men Tell No Lies, And a Burnt Down Restaurant Sells No Fries!!!!!!
  14. Help Name New Company

    Thanks for the input Celeste. I just do not know if it will be easy for Reastaurants to associate...EnviroClean Pressure Washing with Grease and Exhaust. I could be wrong but it just seems like the Exhaust companies I have met with and the vast majority on this, other boards, and listed in phone books accross the nation seem to have a word or words about the theme of the kitchen cleaning they are doing...sort of like Pressure Washing is too generic...I don't know???
  15. Help Name New Company

    Ken, We may fight on here sometimes but I cannot argue about your marketing ideas. Thanks! Believe it or not the whole Pirates of the Caribbean idea is actualy more popular stateside even though this is where things really took place in history...I don't know why but it is so. By the way I saw on CNN there is going to be a huge Star Trek auction somewhere, I thought of you with a chuckle..are you bidding?