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Everything posted by mbryan

  1. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    In my years of being on different BBS's, I would say that the knowledge gained and experience overall would lead me to believe that a BBS could become and industry leader. I have already gotten input from distributors about the impact that certain BBS's have had on their sales. If members are given a safe haven and a forward direction to enhance their business, then the value of the BBS far exceeds any dues that one must pay to garner the information. The impact this can have on in industry as a whole, would be far more substantial that meetings or round tables that occur much more infrequently. Our industry in particular has seen dramatic changes in the last year due to information shared on BBS's. Back this up with people that really do care about the industry, wanting to see it improve and move forward, and you have a group that is strong, in and of itself, on making a true difference in the industry as a whole.
  2. Opinions needed on our website

    Looking for a point of view from non kitchen exhaust cleaning companies. I don't mind any criticism, in fact I encourage it. The Grease Police
  3. Opinions needed on our website

    Ya that was only a few blocks away from us. That airport has really changed since then, its so good every city in the area wants to claim it so it is now called the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport. I think those other cities should just get their own airports!!:furious:
  4. Opinions needed on our website

    Thanks for all of your input on our site. We are going to have it professionally done. I would rather pay the money to have it done right. Hopefully we should have a bad ass site up in the next couple of months, to go along with the baddest kitchen exhaust cleaning org in the nation!!!!!
  5. Opinions needed on our website

    Thanks for all of the input. I have some more photos and info that I will put on this weekend. Also somebody mentioned a coverage map? Anybody know a good program for that or maybe just do a nice photoshop image of our coverage areas?
  6. Need opionion on audio

    Make up your mind Ronald, do you want old ones or new ones? All my vids are intact on a secure server, no need to worry about anyone stealing them.
  7. What I did this weekend

    hehe, I forgot about that one. I hope your kid was wearing a seatbelt. Say I hear that little girl of yours is a pretty good shot?
  8. Need opionion on audio

    None that I can show to the public.:D
  9. What I did this weekend

    You gotta get a cheap digi and strap it to the front of your ATV Ant, that would make some killer video.
  10. Hey Grime Scene

    Then who is Don?
  11. Need opionion on audio

    Sounds great. Nice vid.
  12. If I Had 100,000 Dollars I Would

    I would add on to our warehouse, then fill the new space with chem and plastic. Oh and I'd buy a TIG welder. And if I had any left over, I would buy you all a drink:D
  13. Ouch !!

    Ken I told you dude, you chug the Bacardi AFTER you go do all your bids. Get well brutha.
  14. Organizations and the bulletin boards

    In my experience, BBS's and orgs dont mix. Here you have a free forum where you can speak your mind about whatever, and that is why this site and others are so successful. If you try to do the same on an org's BBS's it wouldn't fly.
  15. Short Wand

    Just so everybody is clear, Anthony is speaking of height. I am vertically challenged while Anthony is close to NBA height. Now if we were talking about the size of our manhood, then it would be reversed:D
  16. foam the home

    Fear the Foam!!!!!
  17. Everybody should read this..!!!!!

    At least it wasn't about an Englishman, that would have really pissed me off.
  18. I'll never tell brotha.
  19. Making the x-jet easier to use

    The GP-5000 foamer gives me wood!!!
  20. Cool Goggles

    They copied the Titan so hard on that new Tundra. I heard they have some major balls, hopefully the new Titan will recopy them and jack up the HP.
  21. Setting "THE" Standards

    I dont know dck about wood restoration, but setting standards in any industry is the biggest challenge any organization will ever face. The first one to actually do it will be in a league of their own.
  22. wtf?

    This is the squeakiest PW BBS on the internets, but also has more traffic than all of the other ones combined. The rules are there to help keep it professional. Not much fun, but loads of great info. There are plenty of other boards that are much more relaxed and you can check those out if you feel violated in any way.
  23. LOL you like that eh? You think thats funny, look at my profile pic:lgangel:
  24. And don't forget your skirt, Ant.
  25. Family show off :)

    Does that lady do Brazilian waxes too? Can I get her number?