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Posts posted by mbryan

  1. Valley Industries Long-Range Spray Gun 30 GPM, 1000 PSI, Model# SG-3000 | Spray Guns | Northern Tool + Equipment

    You can get the Hypro's like the one in the video at Dultmeier part # 3381-10 for the 17" and 3381-11 for the 21" . The Norther Tool sprayers are the cheaper version, they run about $65 where the Hypro's run in the $100 range.

    The nozzle are interchangeable, and they have about 10 different sizes available


  2. Written by Carol Rock

    Saturday, 05 January 2008

    Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout.

    New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

    Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million.

    "This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers," said Antonovich. "With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $444 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education."

    Dave Hollenbeck

    Santa Clarita Radio, Hometown Station, KHTS AM-1220 - Illegal Aliens Receive $37 Million From County In November

    Wow those are some huge numbers, 1 billion per year. Thats a lot of tax money, no wonder my checks are so small:)

  3. I am very confident that I have never hired anyone who wasn't in this country legally.

    You are right many that many business owners are the same way and make sure that their employees are legal. It just makes you wonder when a state feels so strongly about this topic that they enact a law which will penalize business owners that don't. It may be that it is not as serious as people think, but only time will tell.

  4. Hmm that is one theory.

    If you read the 9/11 Commission report you will see that our own CIA and FBI disproves that theory. You should read it for yourself, I don't want to get too off topic in this thread. Suffice it to say that if there was a non U.S. presence in your neighborhood, that was doing things against what you strongly believed in as an American and a patriot, I am sure you would do something about it, and you would find a way to make what you did seem right in your own eyes.

    As for illegal immigrants that will work for less than minimum wage, well you definately have me there. I can't prove definitively that any of them do. Do American businessmen take advantage of illegal immigrants that will work for less than U.S. citizens? Do they use this as a way to get out of paying FICA and WC? Who knows? But the new law in your state will certainly answer the question if it is enforced.

    Don't be surprised if the price of a nice meal at your local restaurant goes up this year though.

  5. The 9/11 attacks happened inside our borders, using our own planes against us, not with weapons of mass destruction from a country 5,000 miles away.

    Immigrant workers make up a certain percentage of the American work force, but if those workers are paid less than minimum wage, under the table, then our dollar is even weaker than it already seems, and a portion of our economy is a lie.

    Make those who are here illegally legal, put them through a process to give them citizenship, with penalties. Pay them what they deserve to be paid for the work that they do. Enforce our borders, but allow those that want to come here to prosper in.

  6. This subject was brought up in the recent debate and from what I could understand (very few of them are easy to understand) this was the most difficult issue on the table. Rudy and Ron Paul had the best answers, no amnesty, but give the illegals a penalty and allow them to stay in the country. The programs they proposed had several layers, but ultimately it allowed those who were in the US without Visas to stay as long as they paid the price, just like anyone who has committed a crime in this country has to pay a price.

    Under their programs all of the criminals would be deported, but this would not really apply to the most of the immigrants that AZ is trying to track down with their new law.

    One of the reasons this is such a touchy subject is our founding fathers did not have to deal with this, we were a young country that embraced everyone. Now we have issues of national security that have to be looked at before we can adopt firm immigration policy. We are a new generation that is going to have to figure this one out for ourselves.

    I know when I raised my right hand, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; Maybe if we brought our troops back from every other country around the world, we could defend our own borders and this wouldn't be such a big issue, just a thought.

  7. Hey thats MY ass!! What I want to know is why Anthony has a copy of that pic on his computer:sick:

    Long story short, we had already washed the system down and I saw a strip of grease that wasn't coming off inside a lateral. So I grab a scraper, throw a suit on and dive in "you washed that lateral out good?" I say "yes sir" my helper says. Turns out he didn't wash it out good enough. The cold wet feeling I had running down my back started to get warmer and warmer. I toughed it out long enough to get the grease out but ended up buck naked in the kitchen getting hosed down like indoc at County.

  8. Thanks guys.

    Its becoming more evident that some sort of internet based organization would be viable. Several nation wide service companies operate their companies this way, you do the job then email the information and pictures to "headquarters".

    I don't see why something like this couldn't be set up as an org. It would be much easier to stay on top of your members if there were constant communication in the form of a BBS.

    It's nice to talk to guys over the phone, but the BBS allows you to state your peace and walk away if need be. I just think it is a more efficient form of communication, and the power it has could be endless.

  9. Thanks John. On the same subject, I feel that an organization would greatly benefit from a well run BBS. I think PWNA is the only one I have seen try it, but from what I remember it wasn't around long.

    As for seeing a BBS's morph in to an organization, who knows? There are so many great contractors and businessmen on these boards, guys that started with almost nothing and built great lives for themselves in the different cleaning industries. You would think that there are a few that have the foresight to come together and start an organization that can truly make a difference.

  10. In my years of being on different BBS's, I would say that the knowledge gained and experience overall would lead me to believe that a BBS could become and industry leader.

    I have already gotten input from distributors about the impact that certain BBS's have had on their sales.

    If members are given a safe haven and a forward direction to enhance their business, then the value of the BBS far exceeds any dues that one must pay to garner the information. The impact this can have on in industry as a whole, would be far more substantial that meetings or round tables that occur much more infrequently.

    Our industry in particular has seen dramatic changes in the last year due to information shared on BBS's. Back this up with people that really do care about the industry, wanting to see it improve and move forward, and you have a group that is strong, in and of itself, on making a true difference in the industry as a whole.
