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Posts posted by mbryan

  1. Thanks Mr Bryan, you have any new ones?

    I thought maybe old ones like mine. I dont blame you if you dont have replacements. People steal stuff

    I'l send you a final on the web site when its up.

    Make up your mind Ronald, do you want old ones or new ones?

    All my vids are intact on a secure server, no need to worry about anyone stealing them.

  2. You could call the bigger one the "Anthony" wand and the smaller one "Matt" wand...:D hahahahha...wait til he sees this..hahahahaha

    Just so everybody is clear, Anthony is speaking of height. I am vertically challenged while Anthony is close to NBA height. Now if we were talking about the size of our manhood, then it would be reversed:D

  3. This is the squeakiest PW BBS on the internets, but also has more traffic than all of the other ones combined. The rules are there to help keep it professional. Not much fun, but loads of great info. There are plenty of other boards that are much more relaxed and you can check those out if you feel violated in any way.

  4. I have to admit that I love Bush, you are right Scott.

    I can't remember when it started, but I have loved Bush since at least 14 or 15 years old.

    I can honestly say that Bush has never let me down, whenever I have had a troubling, stressful time in my life, Bush has put everything in perspective for me and helped me to relax.

    I recommend Bush to anyone who feels like their life is not going in the direction that they had envisioned, I can guarantee that Bush will lift your spirits and clear your mind of all your troubles;)
