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Dan Stapleton

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Everything posted by Dan Stapleton

  1. Drums

    Or your local car wash.....free as well.
  2. Stolen gas

    Nah, Sodium Hypochlorite will eat it up. Refer to James Lewis' post.......Next.
  3. 3" Spider

    Jquick, If it's not too late a fogger might work depending on the ventilation. Also, Due to the moisture is it a good idea to stain at night? I come across wasps a lot. If I'm out of wasp spray housewash with SH works nicely just keep track of where they dropped in case they are still "break dancing" for a while.
  4. help with trailer setup

    To answer your last question, With the machine running wide open, spray water in a 5gal bucket for one minute. If you fill it in one minute your machine puts out 5 gpm.
  5. Some brick help please...

    Thats awesome. Keep us up to date.
  6. The Music Game

    Same here. Ones enough for me.
  7. Am I using the surface cleaner the right way ?

    Paul, And I can't disagree with my own experiences!
  8. F13 vs Gutter Shock

    Has anybody used F13 and Gutter Shock? What were the results?
  9. Honest debate Iraq

    You're equating a Catholic Priest and what he did to a child with what I said?...... Get some sleep.
  10. F13 vs Gutter Shock

    Thanks for the info. I cut mine about 5-1. Straight on just a wet gutter may be a bit risky especially on older paint imo. I used to spray the brush with butyls but for me working out of a 5 gallon bucket is easier and faster. The solution does'nt weaken from re-dipping the brush with f13.
  11. Honest debate Iraq

    Hot Shot, I'm with God (and you). It's a comfort to KNOW Christ will sort it (and us) all out in the end.

    Slow here as well Kory. It picked up for a few weeks then slowed down again. Around here 1-2 dollars a foot for r.v's is the norm, roof included.
  13. Am I using the surface cleaner the right way ?

    I've read a lot of your posts and respect your knowledge on a variety of subjects but I totally disagree with your take on residential concrete and safe psi. I use 3000 psi regularly. Much less and the surface would not be clean and I do pre-treat with chemicals in most cases. On occasion there are sensitive pours but I can usually spot those and clean accordingly (lower psi).
  14. The X-Jet debate

    A much higher draw rate.
  15. oxalic source

    Actually, you would use it on the entire surface otherwise the "spots" you treat will be brighter then the rest. And 4 lbs per 5 gallon is for use with an x-jet. 2 or 2 and 1/2 lbs per 5 when using with a pump-up. It is also used to brighten wood and to neutralize alkaline detergents used to clean the wood.
  16. The X-Jet debate

    3:1? How did you determine that?
  17. Homebrew

    Paul Kassander- Mobi Clean. IMO order from him and avoid E-Spec.
  18. Homebrew

    You mean from 12% going through the hose and gun right? I've been downstreaming a long time and my hoses and guns last. As soon as you start rinsing, the hose and gun are being rinsed as well. I'm sure the metal components are affected somewhat but it is miniscule and a much better trade off then lugging buckets.
  19. Who is going to PWNA throwdown in October?

    Spray chemical, surface clean, rinse...dismissed. Seriously, does anyone know the details of this course?
  20. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    You forgot purses and SHOES.
  21. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    Hop,skip and a jump (80 miles).
  22. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    Jon, Have you ever thought of moonlighting as a standup comedian? You're funny, dude.
  23. Hot Water

    You've made some good points, Jon.