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Everything posted by gman201

  1. Websites

    Just wondering who all was doing there on website?
  2. From the album Central KY Roof Cleaning & Pressure Washing

    Pressure Washing a House in Bardstown KY Before & After
  3. COVID-19 Pandemic

    So how is everyone's pressure washing business doing during this pandemic ?
  4. COVID-19 Pandemic

    I Hope everyone is safe out there and haven't lost to many loved ones. I Pray everyone's business survived this year 2020 ! We have done better than we thought we would but it most definitely was scary at times! God Bless everyone and Happy Holidays!
  5. COVID-19 Pandemic

    I slowed down quite a bit in March & April but starting to pick back up now ? Hopefully we all will get back close to normal but my expectations of that happening this year are low?
  6. Any an all estimates now will be scheduled for the spring of 2016 due to cold weather in KY! How many others shut down this time of year?
  7. I'm turning 61 next week and may have a few more years in me ?? But I bring in the young part time help when needed that takes some of the overhead work away?? lol