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Posts posted by TalcottPressureWashing

  1. Hey Lynn,

    I got your message on my machine the other day, but I just haven't had a free second since Thursday. I'll do my best to give you a call tonight. I apologize for the delay.

    John Werling

    Superior Pressure Washing

    Fayetteville, GA

    Not a problem John, I was wanting to ask you some questions about willis pressure washing supply in fayetville as that is where i'm probably going to get my machine 3500 4 gpm belt driven 13 horse honda.

    also was wanting to ask about the chems they sell there seems like a lot of people like the rpc citraclean but for my first few jobs thought i might stay local with the chems. I believe there house mix was Doobrite or somethin like that

  2. Lance is right about the water. Either go bigger, or skip it. Jordan's Salvage (about 100yds from the train depot) always has chem totes in stock for $70. Or, I'll sell you a 525 gal for $200. Be careful with the turbo, it can damage concrete.

    As for other things needed: Insurance & license. You will be competing with Cujo and I directly. We will talk negatively about you to every one who asks if you operate w/o license and insurance. Get those, and we can all compete on the basis of merit, skill, etc.

    One more thing, *PLEASE* compete on skill, quality, workmanship and not on price. All we need here on the southside is another cut rate washer. Start offering super-cheap house washes and all you will accomplish is to set an unreal expectation of price/value and then you will go bankrupt. Sure, you may get a few of our customers, but they'll be back next year when they can't get you anymore.

    Philip that is exactly what i plain to do . the insurance and license that is.

    As far as pricing goes I have no intention on being a lowballer .What i want to do is offer a good service at a good price .

    Personally i hope to get to the skill level where if the situation occured you or Cugo would feel comfortable reffering a customer to me.

    But please remeber that I am going to be very new to this so please don't bash me to bad if I screw up on my first few quotes.

    as far as the turbo nozzle's go I can't seem to get anyone to really give me any information on these.

    I used one at work on a concrete floor and It was like wow this is a heck of a lot faster than just a reg tip. I say this because i ran out of hose on the hook up that had the turbo nozzle. and some Genuis in our mainatance shop had differnt size QC on the next station and going with that gun that had a green tip (not sure of orfice size was a Huge diff. can u please go into a little more detail as to how a turbo nozzle could damage concrete?

    Also seemed as if the turbo nozzle used less water.

    I say this because i had to squegee a lot more water on the area that i used the reg tip as opposed to the turbo area

  3. Ok after looking everywhere on the web and talking to 3 local pressure washers John W with Superior, Philip Doolittle with Powerhouse and Cujo Cooley of Pams pressure and clean this is what i'm looking at starting with.

    a 3500 psi 4 gpm belt driven unit from a local supplier for 1400, a 6x10 open trailer best price on a new trailer so far is about 650-750


    I was looking at some plastic 55 gallon drums that we use at work and i believe that i can build a rack and stack 2 of them for a water supply of about a 100 gallons .I know that i can buy a tank but these have a good price Free.

    is there any other recomendations that you might have on equipment for a beginer to get ? Probably going to use a turbo nozzle for driveways and sidewalks until finaces allow for a upgrade to a surface cleaner.

    thanks in advance for your help

  4. What I'm mainly looking at doing is residental work first and foremost .

    I'm like most ppl just starting out i've got a pretty small budget. so with that said i'll list what i'm trying to find

    1. a min of 4 gpm

    2.probably at least 3500 psi. that should be good for starting out on residental correct?

    3. i would like belt driven as that seems to be better on the pump and on the equipment.

    4. cold water for now until i get some more funds up.

    5. portable as it seems that a skid unit or trailer mounted is out of my budget for the moment.

    6. my budget for the MACHINE alone is between 1500-2500 dollars.

    I've seen that most ppl seem to say stay away from places the the home despot (not a spelling error) and norther tool . but from looking at there equipment it seems that they are using pretty much the same parts as most of the other guys ie. honda or vanguard engines. and general and cat pumps.

    any help in finding any of the answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated

    thanks in advance.

    Lyn Talcott

  5. Lyn,

    I'd recommend riding along with one of the guys here in Atlanta. I'm a part timer myself, but you've got myself (Fayette), Philip Dolittle (Fayette) , Cujo Cooley (Covington) and I'm sure several others. You're more than welcome to come with me for a day on the weekend or I'm sure Philip or Cujo would have you along on the weekday. By riding along at least you will see what equipment we use and then be able to make some judgements before you spend the money.

    John Werling

    Superior Pressure Washing

    Fayetteville, GA


    John I would love to take you up on your offer of the ride along my cell is 678-410-8804 if you have something going this saturday maybe we could hook up thanks again

  6. Welcome aboard Lyn!!

    Use the search buttons!!

    Get at least a 4 gpm washer.

    I think the 6-24' pole would be good for an extension wand. Much higher lil people like me can't run them. haha!! No it does get heavy tho.

    I'm not even sure what you mean here. Don't use the turbo on wood for sure not decks!!

    Don't get a water boom as was mentioned already!! You would be just as far ahead to do it with just your wand as to use one of them!!

    Hopes this helps a lil.

    The dual turbo nozzle that i saw has 2 turbo nozzles attached to a wand

  7. If you do a search on the above mentioned questions you'll find the answers. But to answer a few: Don't buy a waterbroom. It won't clean concrete. Get at least 4gpm. Really search this board for answers to cleaning up high. I'm not being rude just letting you know that commercial work will not "come your way". Learn as much as you can from these boards, put it to use on each job and your confidence and skills will grow. Good luck

    Dan thanks for your reply i guess i should clarify my comment about the commercial aspect . i want to hone my skills on the residental side and then use some of the contacts that i make and that my wife already has as a small business owner to possibly expand some on the comercial side.

    1 more quick question most of the accesories seem to be rated for psi would there be any problems if i bought accesories that were rated for a higher psi machine and used them on mine? that way when i did upgrade units i wouldn't have to completly have to immediatly upgrade all my accesories that i bought.

  8. Hi all I'm new to this and trying to learn as much as possible from reading other people's posts and learning from your experiences.

    I guess i should state that my main focus is going to be residental house and driveway cleaning with possible expansion into comercial if it comes my way

    This is a parttime operation for me as well

    I'm using a 2500psi 2.5 gpm machine. I realize that i need to upgrade this unit as soon as possible.

    My first question is the recomendations that I am getting is a min of 3500 psi and 3.5 gpm

    Also i realize that i need a ext so i can wash dormers and 2nd stories with out needing a ladder(or as little ladder use as possible) would 6-24 feet be enough or should i look into a longer one?

    most sites seem to recomend a dual turbo nozzle as well. is this needed and what type or area's would you NOT want to use this on. and would this possibly be a good thing to use for driveways?

    As far as surface cleaners go would a water broom (i think that is the right name) bar with 3-4 nozzles be okay to start out with for cleaning driveways and sidewalks or should i go ahead and invest the extra money in to a true surface cleaner.

    my dilema is that i'm trying to be able to do the job properly and would like to be able to not have to run out and replace everything as soon as i get a bigger machine.

    I did a friends house lastweekend smaller 3 bed 2 bath and driveway and sidewalk to about 5-6 hours

    Thanks in advance for your replies
