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Everything posted by APSCLEAN

  1. I'm moving back to the Sarasota/Bradenton area of Florida after the first of the year and am very interested in finding work in the power washing/cleaning area. My intention is to return to Michigan in a few years and start my own outdoor cleaning business. I'm most interested in gaining experience in wood restoration, flatwork, window washing(especially using DI water) and services such as concrete staining and parking area maintenance. I'd prefer to work for a well established business with a stellar reputation for quality. Ideally this would be a part time/on call position that would involve a variety of cleaning activities so that I can learn different aspects of the business. While I'd love to be able to do this on a labor for learning basis my finances just won't allow me to do so. So if someone in the area is looking for an extremely dependable/hardworking employee who has a flexible schedule, excellent customer service skills and is eager to both work and learn please send me an email at JohnZofchak@yahoo.com. Thanks. John.