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Posts posted by FCPWLLC

  1. Since I work with a helper, I just have him/her turn off the chem flow and rinse with same tip as I shoot chem with 0030 or 0040. Mostly because I don't like to use the amount of pressure that it takes to stop chem draw on the vinyl.

    Also, the helper is great for keeping hose from getting caught up or tearing up lanscaping lights etc.

    Flat work... I just use the dual wand with a high pressure tip and high flow wide angle tip for chem application.

  2. The only Complexes here that I've been able to land are HUD or Housing Authority because they REQUIRE insurance. I love those because I am usually the only one able to produce certificate and can charge accordingly.

    The last one I did we averaged $350/hr.

    Jeff, You probably do those condos the exact same way we do. The demographic area is our biggest difference. Like your Bank drivethru prices are in line with mine but they use the guys that do it for 1/4 that here. Also, here in KY, there is a Good ole Boy network that I am not in nor ever will be. I don't drink so you never see me in a Bar rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers. I personally know of guys that get work on word of mouth only. No business name much less a license or insurance. Lexington has no enforcement of CWA or Licensing. Don't get me wrong, I still make a good living. Like someone else here said, I have found a niche but it would be nice to move beyond that niche.

    Also, I'd like to say that I for one don't want to see more regulation but would enjoy the benefits of enforcing the ones that are already in place. Lost HUGE bids last year to guys cleaning Parking Garages with no reclaim. Didn't even own a surface cleaner. I sat back and watched them make $4k in a day on a job that should have taken a week and priced at $17.5k

    Maybe this year they will be different, the EPA is here investigating our "Urban Sprawl" Opponents to Developers have them here to see if there is concern that all the new devolopment has an impact on Water Quality. Maybe while here they will see that there aren't any Practices to implement CWA.

    Anyhow, good job on that Pressure Wash King thing. LOL

  3. Olympic makes the same thing. Mildew Check in my opinion is way overpriced and the last time I checked, the container's instructions are to add bleach. The bleach that is added is doing all the work and the $20/gal Mildew Check can stay itself on the store shelf.

    Sodium Hypochlorite and you favorite surfacant will do the job just fine and cost WAY less.

  4. Proper insurance around here is becoming a big thing. Ive had several of my PM'scall and ask for my insurance cert and many have asked if I have Workers Comp and a few asked if i was covered under the comp, they werent aware I was a Corp. I've gooten a couple big jobs because I have the proper insurances and my competition didnt.

    Just in the past 6-8 months Ive been getting the calls for insurance certs. I asked a couple PM's why they are asking all of a sudden and basically they said they cant afford not to have covered contractor and they're dropping ones that arent, which is great for me

    I'm seeing that more also. After all the payouts after the hurricanes last year, premiums are up and people are seeing how hiring an uninsured will affect thier own premiums. However, I am not seeing it get me anymore work. I suppose commercial work is different in other areas. Here, I get maybe 1 out of 50 bids for commercial work. I guess that's why I like Residential bacause it seems commercial only wants cheap and splash-n-dash. They all tell me that My price is double the other guys. I just feel it would be silly to charge less for a service than I can get doing a residential job. If I am making $150+/hr doing a Vinyl Siding Clean, why would I charge less to do a Sidewalk clean in front of a store? But these commercial guys are going with bids that would only come out to about $35/hr. I'm finding though that the bid winners are only doing a quick rinse.

    Am I too High? Or is commercial work just one of those things that only pays good if relying on volume? I personally don't see the money in it based on what is being paid here. Maybe it's just my area.

    I priced a bank drive-thru the other day at $130 and the Bank Mngr says that he is getting it done for $45. And the bad thing about it is that the $45 job looks good.

  5. My experience with painters here.... I send work to painters all the time with no cut in it for me except knowing that My customer/friends etc are using a good painter that does a good job. None of the paiters that I refer have ever sent me any Pressure wash gigs. I know that they see dirty vinyl all the time. Pees me off when I know that I can save these guys money and time doing the work because most only have a Sherwin Williams crap-washer and very rare to find one that knows the quickest most economical way to use thier machine. And to beat it all, When I have bid on vinyl against a painter and follow up with customer they say they went with the Painter because he threw th pressure washing in to get the interior painting. Which is fine but at least call me up and have me do it versus spending 6 hours to do your "throw-in" that only takes me one hour.

    That said, I'm sure not all painter are this way. That's just been the way it is here in KY. For that matter, usually the other PW'ers are taking 6 hours to do what I do in one and charge less than I do. :eek:

  6. Quick question, If you have a 4000psi/5.5 gpm pressure washer which calls for a 5.5 nozzle orifice, would you use two 2.5 nozzzles or two 3.0 nozzles for your surface cleaner? I know the 3.0 tips would cut my pressure to 3500, but I was concerned with what the 2.5 tips do, since they are a little undersized for my machine.

    Go with the 3.0 tips. Sacrifice the psi for more flow. Also the 2.5 tips probably aren't too good on your unloader.

  7. I joined last year and 2 weeks after I was listed on the site, an Apartment Complex found my Name on the site. I landed that job. It was an easier sell and I was not the lowest bid. It paid for the membership for the next 10 years. Yes, I believe it helps in conjunction with all the other forms of image promotion.

  8. Lastly I'm not saying to go out and breack the law I'm just saying that the successfull contracting businesses here are loaded with illegal immigrants and yes they all have a social security number but the majority of those number are false.

    In my opinion, a business is not successful if they have cut corners and break laws to gain advantage. They are thiefs stealing from guys like us that run legitimate businesses. I agree the laws need to change or the current laws need to be enforced. We are tired of watching law breakers steal jobs. I personally would make a much better living if I weren't losing bids to Businesses that wouldn't even be bidding if the laws were enforced. I have a vaccuboom set up that has been used once. Why? Because I don't get any of the contracts that require reclaim due to the fact that people break laws and hire the cheap guy that isn't reclaiming. I can't even get a friggin driveway. I'm stuck with vinyl siding and roofs because I can't compete with the law breakers.

    AWWW Forget it. It's hard to make people understand that it is just plain wrong to unfairly get an advantage by breaking the law. It is against the law to hire illegals. It is unlawful to not pay income taxes. It is unlawful to avoid business taxes by not even registering business. It is just simply not right to keep trying to make it seem OK to feel bad for someone trying to gain the American Dream while at the same time causing harm to someone that is also wanting that dream and trying to do it legally. For every bid we lose to a lowballer or illegitimate business, food is coming off the table for our children.
