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Posts posted by FCPWLLC

  1. Focus the money spent on border patrol to enforcing labor laws. If there is nowhere for an illegal Mexican to go work without a Social Security number and a green card, then they will stop coming.

    This is exactly why I say don't hire nor do business with those that hire illegals. If we all did this it would cause things to change in that the illeagals would be forced to go through the legal proccess and they begin to realize that it costs money to live here and would not be forced to accept a low wage due to thier legal status.

    Companies that hire them now will begin to realize that they have to be better service providers in order to compete instead of relying on being able to lowball the bids. Some that I know of would probably go out of business because they don't offer a better service than the next guy. They only offer it at a lower rate.

    While some confuse my non-support for illegals with being uncompassionate or not understanding thier situation, I am actually trying to show that it would be better for them if they were not being taken advantage of due to thier illegal status. They don't want to work for minimum wage. They HAVE to because they can't get a decent wage as long as they are illegal. Companies do not want the legalization proccess to be easier because they want to continue to get rich off of this. Stop buying from them and it will hurt thier pocketbook and will be forced to play on a level field or quit. This is when those of us will prosper that offer a legitimate service. Right now the guys getting rich are the ones cutting corners and offering services at a low cost.

    Remember way back when we were all in Highschool? There was always the super student that always scored high on the test and it would affect the rest of the classes scores. Same thing happens when the lowest wages are used to guage the rest of the wages. When trying to sell a service based on our overhead and our payroll for legal employees, our price is compared to the lowest price. I would NEVER pay someone a wage that I KNOW he would not be able to pay his bills.

  2. What is "Professional" about making it "policy" to hire illegals so that you can have an unfair advantage over your compitition by having less overhead? What is professional or compassionate about taking advantage of a persons illegal status and paying them a less-than-living wage that you know they can't pay thier bills with so they have to take on second and third jobs? Nothing unprofessional or racist about wanting a level playing field for doing business. If I have to have insurance to drive my truck then so should everyone else. If I have to pay taxes on income from my business, then so should other business owners. If I have to be Licensed to do business, then so should all Businesses.

    Hiring an Illegal gives a business an unfair advantage over a law abiding business. Taking advantage of an Illegal by paying them less than they are worth is what is unethical. I recently sold a Lawn Care Business to a LEGAL Immigrant. That is the American Dream. He Charges what the work is worth and isn't driving down wages. Legal is all I ask for. It cost more to be Legal in this Country and being illegal gives them an unfair advantage when it come to doing business.

  3. We pay it, but it causes us to lose bids. I currently do no work for any Builders because I have the added expense. They want you to have it but don't want to pay the prices so they usually hire the guy that signs the exemption and works for beer money. I'd say that I lose alot of other bids because I have to charge more. I am not covered or protected by the WC so I will not cut into my profit to foot the bill; I pass the cost on to the people that it supposedly covers... The customers. Someone here said that not having WC is a disadvantage but in some senses, HAVING the WC has put us at a disadvantage trying to bid competitively with guys without it. Also it takes away funds that would be better spent on marketing.

  4. 1. At 2200psi/2.0 gpm a green tip just doesn't do that well.

    2. Without proper chemicals one must use FORCE to dislodge the dirt. If the dirt isn't coming off, increase the force.

    It this really that far of a stretch from a homeowner hammering their siding with water at 1.5" from the surface as they "blast" the dirt off?

    Now, let me show you what a real pro can do with a zero tip!

    Great pic example.

  5. looking at a couple of different pressure washers one has a 13 horse honda the other has a 15 horse kohler engine. both are 4gpm,and both have AR triplex pumps. the Kohler is 4000 psi and the honda is 3500psi

    If you had to choose which one would you go with and WHY.

    Thanks in advance

    I have one of those Kohler 15 hp. I prefer them over the Hondas because they are equipped with oil filter. Also the 15 hp doesn't strain as much as that 13hp will.

    Lots will say that the Honda starts easier but my Kohler starts on first pull everytime.

    The pump that is on that Kohler is more than likely an AR RKV 4G40. Not that bad of a pump. That is probably a Porter Cable Brand. Another good thing about the 15hp is that you can upgrade to a 5.5 gpm @3000psi pump.

  6. Not sure of brand.... Got it a local PW Service and sales. Citation. Had them in a box on the counter discounted to $10 each so I bought a few. They are adjustable and wide open I am getting around 3:1 but usually I leave it open only half-way so as not to use too much chem or go too strong. That is with a 4gpm.

    My 5.5 gpm hasn't got one on it yet as I usually only use it for my surface cleaner.

  7. Down Streamer here with a 0030 tip. My Injector is adjustable and wide open I get 3:1. Use 16% SHC with a little Tide. Faster than ANYONE in my area using an x-jet.

    I'm not sure when the last time I used my X-jet was. I guess my biggest beef with the x-jet is that it is pretty much the same amout of metal/ manufacture time to make as is a downstreamer yet costs 10 times more. Just shows me that there is a huge mark up and some one raking it in by marketing it as a miracle tool. Not much I can't do with my downstreamer and roof guys will tell you that there are a hundred ways to get chem on a surface.
