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Wood Warranty Question...


So I see that Wolman says their F&P line is guaranteed for 3 years...

I don't see Wood Tux saying how long their product lasts...

Thompson's stuff says 3 years...

What I would like to do is offer a 2 year warranty with my stains to customers...now what do you do if the stain fails (not including abuse obviously) within that 2 year period? Would you really go and redo the deck completely free? How do you all work any warranties you give on wood protection?

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I guarantee one year against peeling chipping or flaking. With wood tux its not a problem so I have no idea how Id work it. If by some freaky strange reason a penetrating oil flaked off I guess id just redo it. Only way I imagine that would happen would be improper removal of a previous stain. so the key is make sure you do a good job cleaning/stripping

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Good call, that's pretty much what I thought anyway. I've never seen it happen or even heard of it happening, but sounds like it might be a nice selling point. Would you suggest a 2 year or 3 year warranty?

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Fine print of warranties I've looked at only apply for new wood so why would you offer a warranty longer than the manufacture would?..maybe some manu different..

To get maintenance / cleaning work for 2 years after i stain a deck, then by then have developed a nice relationship with the customer to be assured a repeat stain in 3 years...and to sell add-ons like house-cleanings, windows, driveways, throughout the course of those 3 years. I'm thinking marketing here. Besides, over the long-run, it should work...and if I offer it and a lower-priced competitor doesn't, that may be what it takes to land the job.

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Here's a consideration for you...we're in Summer, first spring after they do much of nothing in way of maintenance, second spring they step up and use hose often.. They sorta resign to the idea of scrapping the idea of paying you for maintenance cause it still looks pretty good, but after the big BBQ and spending their disposable income it needs help..so off they go to the store and pour on who knows what chem to clean it up a tad. Man of the house says "Ooops.. looks a little faded mother"..mother says "well we still got a year warranty left, dig out that guys phone number and get him over here"..

just a thought.. you may want some cussion time in more ways than one..

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