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The New Halloween Movie - WOW!


I just got back from seeing Rob Zombie's Halloween. I have to mention, it took me a full ten minutes before Chris or myself were able to utter a word (it was that intense). The movie is unbelievably thrilling, scary, distubing and genius. I don't mean genius in an IFC, wanna-be artsy way.

I have seen every Zombie film and while they aren't for everyone, you can tell the guy has talent. John Carpenter's Halloween is an untouchable classic in the unstoppable villain genre so when I heard there was going to be a remake I was very skeptical to say the least. When I heard Rob Zombie was going to make it, I had some renewed faith as I think his perspective is fresh. Fresh is an understatement. His tone, pace, and crescendos are wicked. Look for Zombie to become the premier horror movie director of this decade.

The latest round of movie remakes are merely new faces, same screenplay and higher budget special effects. Fot the most part they are lousy. This version of Halloween takes a slightly different perspective (more towards killer than victim). It grabs you by the cajones and does not let go. Zombie avoids the traps of cliches and redundant scenes but still keeps the whole movie loyal to original. You will know what you are watching, but you will not thing "remake".

The way the plot is developed, the unspoken way Zombie allows you to see the psychopathy behind Michael Myers is beyond description. Movies don't excite me all that much. Some are more watchable than others. This one took my breath away. I want to go back to the theater and see it again (which I have never done in my life) Go see it. Do NOT bring the kids.

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