Saturday I was loading my lawn tractor on my tilt trailer to take it to the repair shop.The drive belt was broke so my wife and I pushed it up on the trailer.I then was strapping it down from the rear first when all of sudden it rolled to the back of the trailer and guess what? My wife had not put the pin in the tilt latch and trailer and mower slammed the trailer down across all 5 toes on my foot. No sense in going to the doctor because they will not do anything for broken toes. The world of vicadin helps a little but I can't wait till Monday to buy a walking cast to shim up my foot so I can still walk and work........And yes some bad words were said......
Saturday I was loading my lawn tractor on my tilt trailer to take it to the repair shop.The drive belt was broke so my wife and I pushed it up on the trailer.I then was strapping it down from the rear first when all of sudden it rolled to the back of the trailer and guess what? My wife had not put the pin in the tilt latch and trailer and mower slammed the trailer down across all 5 toes on my foot. No sense in going to the doctor because they will not do anything for broken toes. The world of vicadin helps a little but I can't wait till Monday to buy a walking cast to shim up my foot so I can still walk and work........And yes some bad words were said......
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