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RS On mY Home-Made Garden Water Feature!


I hope this isn't too off-topic... I designed and built (super-easy) this backyard garden water feature and coated the door with RS. See, cant be that off topic, I mentioned RS! Anyways, just thought some of you might be interested in this 'folky-rustic' design. How could a deck guy, after spending 8 hours in the blazin' sun not want to come home to the soothing sounds of water! This water feature cost me $250 and took an hour to assemble. Really had to hunt down the cattle trough, guess there isnt much of a demand for these tanks here in urban California!

Anyways, if you want more info on this, just lemme know! AM I the 1st one to treat a water feature in RS/ And, yup, I know, the wooden french door will likeley rot out being submerged in the stock tank, but whateva! Just cost me $20 at my local recycled building materials store!

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Matt is that a new term in "water feature" ? . Hey I think I smell yer wet dog in there.. :)

Nah, Kevin. "Water feature" has been around awhile I think. Landscape designers use the term to describe the element of water in a design. Yeah, the dog 'Kodiak' was pretty curious about this new addition in "his" kingdom. Fortunateley, he's too big to fit it the tank! 160 lbs of sweet lovin!

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