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craigslist? what do you get out of it?


do you list your business on craigslist? I have and the only people that calll are the other people im trying to steal busineess from. asking for quoets etc.. Im just wondering if you have any luck with C/L?

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WOW BRYAN oh god him self get a life, Do you know anything about me? I sit at home and wait for e-mails to drop in my lap? If you were a smart man which I dont think you are all my info is just under my screen name just click and read! see this is what I found by clicking your name!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About Bryan C Company Name Hydroblast Pressure Cleaning Inc. First & Last Name Bryan Corns City & State Westfield, Indiana Occupation Indiana Pressure Washing Contractor <LI class=profilefield_category>Signature Bryan Corns

Owner, Hydroblast Pressure Cleaning Inc.

Indiana Pressure Wash Services For Deck Cleaning, House Washing

And More

see that was easy and fun~~~~~~~~

Now if you use that thing you call a brain you'll see I have photos and my contact info too.here is a quote for you read.Read it and understand it!!!! "Ignorance about an issue is said to be "rational" when the cost of educating oneself about the issue sufficiently to make an informed decision can outweigh any potential benefit one could reasonably expect to gain from that decision, and so it would be irrational to waste time doing so. This has consequences for the quality of decisions made by large numbers of people, such as general elections, where the probability of any one vote changing the outcome is very small."

Listen dude. Your initial reply was calling someone a "smartass" for suggesting that you fill out your signature - something that you have since added. You then suggested that the only ones that called you from CL were "ass clowns" trying to get your pricing information.

I post on CL and have landed a few jobs. It allows me to steer people to my website and for me to rank higher with my keywords. My experience is that the majority of those that call me in this area are price shoppers and tire kickers. It may be different in your area. You have nothing to lose by trying it - after all, it doesn't cost you a penny. I will say this - anyone who posts there that can't leave their business name and phone number are hacks. Period.

You come off wanting to learn and no one has a problem with that. To call me a smartass or to tell me to use my brain and to post a quote you think is clever isn't gonna land you any more coin in your pocket. There are many ways to land business but your approach comes across wrong with me and appears desperate, which makes me question your business sense. That being said, if my posts offended you, I apologize.

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OK here goes,

I'm gonna give you the same answer as in your other thread "what's wrong with me" : July is slow up here for residential. Hang in there and you'll get work. Not looking to bash anyone, just trying to motivate. You asked about CL, and I gave an answer. Seeing as we're in the same market, I think I can answer that better than someone in GA, or CA. You need to get your rig hooked up and do some demonstrations for some commercial work. Go knock on doors for residential (with your rig parked out front).

On another issue, the reason you want your info in your signature line is that there are lots of lookers on here who are not contractors, but potential customers. Most don't want to dig around the site for your info. Use your words carefully and watch the name calling, its unprofessional. Now i've given you education also.

Mud duck- Not trying to p*** off anyone, but obviously you were offended. I suspect that anyone can be a lowballer if they need money enough. If it was a question of feeding my family and I had to do $99 housewashes, i'd do it and so would you. Also, I don't view someone making a living as "stealing" anything, and if you are doing $99 washes, you're not taking any business of mine. As for whining, I calls 'em like I see's 'em. Things are tough all over, and I certainly don't envy anyone trying to start up a new biz in this economy.

Thank you Sir, this should have been your first post. Full of great information. Gratis to U. I was offended because too often people spend more time and energy putting off someone to tell them to "use the search button" and or beat them up and try to embarrass them than it would take to just answer the stupid question. No one here is "be all to end all", this sights motto says it all. Sorry Beth and Rob if I said anything that wasn't my place... I'm just tired of some bashing others who arn't "there" yet, as I am not, and come here to learn something which I suspect is why you started this sight....Thank you for that...And a BIG THANKS to all the others who chimed in with constructive and respectful post. EZ anything you need to know you post it. We'll worry whether your a hack or not later. The bigger picture is to be respectful and treat others the way we all want to be treated.

Good God the man just had a question about Craigs List. Advertising has always been a legitimate convo before...Turns out others had something constructive and possitive to add therefore it was a good question.

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