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One Tough Pressure

Common sense should be a law!


I came across this article and wanted to share it. In the course of cleaning, and the places that we go to clean, it is very possible to come across items like this.

Common sense says that if you find something that looks like a bomb or other explosive device, that you do not move it or attempt to disarm it.

I have lost friends in the military who just had to take a closer look, or figured that their Leatherman pocket tool was the ultimate landmine disarming tool.

This article just goes to show that people do not think before they act. If you come across something like this, just call the Police and let them deal with it. This guy is lucky he was not killed.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A school custodian lost parts of two fingers on Wednesday after a gunpower-filled pipe bomb found on a California middle school campus exploded in his hands, police said.

The device was one of two pipe bombs discovered earlier in the day by a maintenance worker at Oak Grove Middle School in Jamul, about 15 miles southeast of San Diego. The school was closed this week for spring break.

After discovering a compressed air cartridge with a fuse in the school parking lot and a sealed plastic pipe near the school office, the worker brought both devices to his supervisor Terry Garrison, San Diego County Sheriff's spokesman Chris Saunders said.

Garrison, 52, was handling the compressed air cartridge when it exploded at about 9 a.m., tearing off the tips of his index finger and thumb, Saunders said. He was airlifted to a local hospital and was expected to make a full recovery.

Police found evidence that at least two pipe bombs had been detonated recently in the school parking lot, Saunders said. No suspects have been identified yet but police have not ruled out the bomb being the work of a student, Saunders said. "This is one of the types that (students) commonly build," he said. "And these can be lethal."

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