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I thought this was worth sharing

Usually every month when I sit down to write this newsletter, I give myself a couple days to decide on a topic, take some notes, draw up an outline and piece it together. However, this month I am not going to do that. I have decided to write what is on my mind, without editing, proofreading, or second-guessing myself.

I know that just about everyone reading this is either getting ready for the upcoming season, or has already begun working. There is so much going on, so many things to worry about, and so many things to prepare. Stress is an understatement.

I just want to touch on a few helpful ideas and points that I try to remind myself of on a regular basis.


I often ask myself what the true definition of this word is. I also study others, both in the past as well as the present to see how they define success. I have truly come to an answer that maybe I only agree with. But I believe that success is what you want it to be. Sometimes there are self-help and business consulting gurus who want to convince you that success is family, freedom, money, etc…. I think success is simply doing what makes you happy. In this industry, that means success is creating and running a business that makes you happy. It’s that simple. If you are happy out working by yourself, I think you are successful. If happiness means, 20 employees and two million in sales annually, great. But don’t let others or anyone define for you the true meaning of happiness. Don’t let expectations of money and growth cloud your genuine vision.


It’s not always easy to get out of bed day in and day out. Sometimes you need an extra little push – something, someone or some reason to inspire you to keep moving forward. I think finding something inspiring in one’s life is very important. And again, don’t let society or anyone else tell you what is inspiring. If money inspires you, go make some money. If freedom inspires you, find a way to provide more free time for yourself. But once you find something that inspires you, use it the right way. Use it to push you to get what you truly want.


I’m not a doctor. Even though I have a psychology degree, I still couldn’t tell you what makes the mind work. But I do know your mental attitude plays a role in the success or failure that is your life. If you have a good, positive mental approach to life, you are going to find what inspires you, find what makes you happy, and become successful. Believe in yourself and what you want out of life. Believe that you can do it, no matter what it is. Understand that each day is a new opportunity to achieve and grow – not simply to exist and punch a clock. This might sound a bit goofy, but think about this…. You create your reality. If you believe you are capable, intelligent, and equipped to make your life all it can be, life will be one enjoyable journey. Think positive.


This is very important. Some of the most successful people I have met and read about live by this credo. They refuse to give up. They refuse to start something and not finish it. They will not allow a few bumps in the road impede their progress. They are fierce competitors. They believe that they can always make it work. No matter how bad things may seem, they look hard and deep for a solution. This is very important. If you feel like things are hopeless, remember….quitters never win and winners never quit. There is nothing more gratifying than starting something, struggling to make it work, and reaping the benefits of your determination.


Some people believe that showing up is more than half the battle in life. If you are just going to show up, why even bother to attend? No matter what you are doing – writing a letter, installing a bed, fertilizing a lawn, wrapping a present, combing your hair – no matter what it is, do it as best you can. Give 100% effort always. You will be amazed at how much easier life can be when you give your best effort. In fact, make an extra effort. If it is late and you are at the garage and don’t feel like sharpening those blades, just do it. People will notice and so will you. People will respect you. People will trust you. People will believe in you and look to you when they need someone they can trust to do the job right.


Life is interesting, and so is this newsletter considering this section about learning to relax! Everything in life says that 100% effort, dedication, hard work, and being the best you can be will get you desired results. However, if you are not able to relax and enjoy your hard work, what’s the point of working? You have to put things in perspective. You have to know when to walk away and provide yourself an opportunity to relax and relieve the stress in your life – especially as a business owner. Find a hobby, a place, a book, yoga, a song, or whatever it takes to help you relax. Relaxation relieves stress, which can be very harmful to your emotional and physical well being. Just remember….all this hard work is supposed to bring you joy and happiness. You can’t experience these things if you don’t know how to relax.


I might have mentioned this earlier, but this is important. If you want something in life, no matter what it is, you have to believe. No one else is going to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. There is no one stopping you but you. That’s the truth. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is “impossible”. If you believe in yourself and what you truly want, anything is possible.

I wish you the best of luck in all that you do!

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