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This is funny. ( in no way does it reflect my personal beliefs.)



Confusing Dialogue Dominates 9/11 Testimony

The closed-door testimony of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney before the 9/11 commission went off the rails yesterday when Mr. Bush opened the session by asking Mr. Cheney, “Who’s on first?”

The President, who merely wanted to know whether he or Vice-President Cheney should testify first, inadvertently opened a rhetorical Pandora’s box as the entire session devolved into a series of tangled misunderstandings and miscues.

A transcript of the session, released by the commission later in the day, reads as follows:

Bush: Who’s on first?

Cheney: What?

Bush: Not what, who.

Cheney: Who what?

Bush: Who’s on first?

Cheney: That’s what you just said.

Bush: ****?

Cheney: What?

Bush: ****’s on first?

Cheney: Which ****?

Bush: Which **** what?

Cheney: Which dickwad?

Bush: No!

Cheney: Which dickwad knows what?

Bush: Never mind.

Cheney: Never mind which dickwad knows what?

Bush: Which dickwad knows who’s on first.

Cheney: What?

Bush: Who’s on first?

Cheney: That’s what you just said.

Bush: (smacks forehead)

Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney continued in a similar vein for the next forty minutes, after which the commissioners, “thoroughly drained and exhausted” according to one account, cut short the session and went home.

In a related story, the White House announced that on June 30 Iraqi sovereignty would be transferred to Vice-President Cheney’s bank account in Switzerland.

“The sovereignty will remain in Vice-President Cheney’s account until the security situation in Iraq improves, but the Iraqi people can come visit it whenever they want,” the White House statement read.


Andy Borowitz moderates the panel “Politics as Entertainment” Sunday May 9 at the Tribeca Film Festival. For ticket info go to www.tribecafilmfestival.org

The Borowitz Report

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