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Ernie Greese

Media Field day


It seems the world media is having a field day over these pictures of naked Iraqi POWs taken with some uninformed GI's. Give me a break! How many American lives have been lost fighting to secure independence and freedom for these numb nuts who are only happy when hellfire is breaking loose around them. Furthermore, our so-called press brings this to the attention of the liberal worry warts. Does anyone remember that humiliation the USA was subjected to when these lowlives murdered, burned and desecrated the bodies of those Americans a month ago and hung their scorched corpses from a bridge? Where is the outrage? I believe Iraqis operate on the eye-for-an-eye principle and they still owe us a whole lot more eyes. Does taking stupid pictures of POWs rank up there with murder and desecration? I think we had better get our heads on straight.

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Things can and have been overblown in this election year and I'm afraid will continue until the vote counting is over in November. The Liberals are so very good at it (I guess that's why they are Liberals).

The photos should never have been taken - it's a souvenir, as so many military people have taken these over the years. I was somewhat disgusted myself over the one photo where the American GI's are posing and smiling over the naked bodies. I don't feel these are appropriate.

We (as Americans) have and always will continue to elevate the bar for ourselves and others around the world - be it in technology, enterprise or the fight for democracy. As we set high standards, and with the freedom of speach we posess, we will always have someone looking over our shoulders and keeping us informed and honest. Pointing out our mistakes is how we learn to improve.

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I disagree, Mr. B, these low lives don't care a rats A.. about our technology or the rest rest of it. They thrive in anarchy. Everytime it looks like things will settle down - they throw grenades into the process. How can you equate taking dumb pictures of living and live prisoners with murder, meyhem and desecration of the bodies of the Americans last month. Has everyone forgotten that? Taking pictures is way below the serious scale when compared with what those low lives committed on our people. Truth be known those prisoners probably posed for the photos; now they see a great big US payday coming to them - so they act all indignant. What about those news pictures of all the smiling, waving, laughing Iraqis dragging the charred American remains through Fallujah.

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They are a different breed all right.......they feel violence is part of life.....just shows you cant trust any group of people who have never eaten a hot dog.

What really gets my goat is when they feel we should treat them special because they come from arabia, India ...or any of those countries. Just trying to do business with some of them is tough....they want the job for free and then get insulting toward America when you try to justify your price. I'm not a prejudice person in any way, but there definately is something wrong with that group.


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I'm not sure what exactly you disagree with, but you can't group everyone in a country or continent as bad or evil. We have lots of crime in this country that many other countries do not have (serial killers, child abusers, child molesters, etc.). Should that make us barbarians in another coutries eyes?

One kind of BAD action does NOT make another BAD action good.

In otherwords if your brother murders, you're still not a good person if you ONLY steal.

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