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dont let her frezz

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i made the mistake of storing my pw in a shed that was supposed to be heated to 50deg, over the winters , as i haven't used my pw in a few years i finally got a pw job last month , did a car wash

but what i found was the pw had froz up at some point ,, my falt for not putting antifreeze in it ( that will never happen again ) any way my pump needed to be rebuilt i got that done did my little job , i had bypassed the burner as i wanted to go threw it first ,

well i hooked up the burner and yep coil leaking like a sieve , i disassembled it and put the power to it again and found the leaks ( this is the point i should of took pics ) i checked for new one but not going to happen ,,,,for 650 what i was told ,

anyway i pulled the coil all the way off and got up in the inside and re welded the crack , tested it and had a 2nd crack under the 2nd set of inner coil , so i ground off the welds that held it cut the pipe off and pulled the inside mini coil out welded the leak slipped a sleeve over where i cut the pipe and welded it up .and put her back together ,

just got done with my test on it and it seams to hold well , i flushed out the kerosene in the tank and added new , and after a 1/2 min on go's the burner just like new ,

i still have to test it under 4000 psi but it works well under 2500psi

did i say i will not forget the antifreeze this year ,

thought i would add a pic of my rig


Edited by mdel747
add somthing

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i run adds , i did face to face i did cold calls , every one wanted price but never wanted it done , in the house market

I'm going into Madison and going to hit car-wash and convenience stores see what i can come up with , now that i got her out again , who knows maybe i can find some welding jobs so i can use that blue thing in the truck , but has to be something every one around here is being laid off so no regular jobs out there , I'm union carpenter but they say it will be slow till maybe 2010 , so i have to do something,,,

just got done with hot test out to 4000psi running good

Edited by mdel747

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I had my coil welded twice. ( I wouldn't attempt myself). 3 weeks ago it was leaking again. $1800 installed, tax in for a new. I hear you when you said you'd never let that happen again. Some mistakes are more expensive than others.

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1800 on a coil . that's pricey ,

i ran it yesterday with the coil welded up had her pumped up to 4000psi

and it worked like a charm , as for welding it it only took me little over hour to cut it out and weld it up and put her back together , so no replacement one needed yet . and for that price i will have to come up with alternative , and i think its crazy they don't build these things so last SS would of been better i have to replace parts on one of my reels as the sec 80 already rusted out

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