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Employee question


This a question for all you "bosses" out there. You see, I wanted to see how we were measuring up with the rest of the contractors that have employees in regards to payment and responsiblies.

We are a relatively small and young company. We officially have 3 employees that are going out most days and performing the services requested. This consists usually of the normal residential house wash, flat work, decks, etc. We also do quite a bit of commercial work.

Given our size and longevity, we currently cannot provide any real benefits such as medical ins., paid vacations, paid sick time, etc....the normal stuff folks appreciate in a long term job.

We do try to provide the best equipment possible and leave some flexability up to our employees as far as work hours go..when possible. We also have allowed them to use our equipment, cleaning agents, etc. for their personal use on their own homes or maybe a small "pet" project like maybe for their church or something like that.

We usually start out at $10.00 per hour and go from there. In this area, this seems like an appropriate wage for this type of work. Some have though too low, while some others have thought considerably too high. I would rather pay someone well and retain a good employee, then pay them dirt and expect a good job. Afterall, I've always felt that your employees are your direct link to your customers when you can't be there yourself. I guess I'm trying to pay for that mentality.

Now, we have had no complaints from our employees about payment, it's just that my partner and I were discussing raises, etc. and just thought that maybe we could hear from some of you to try to gage where we're at on the pay scale. I can say that we have been very blessed with who we have chosen to represent us and perform these various services. They have gone out of their way in a lot of areas over the years to ensure that same "customer value" feeling. For that we have been grateful and our business has grown substantially because of it. We just wondered what you all had to say.

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