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How do you handle duplex washing


Just wondering how you guys handle someone who lives on one side of a duplex and only wants their half washed? My gut tells me unless I do the whole thing it ain't worth it for a multitude of reasons, chief among them is whatever I wash is going to go somewhat on the other side - and who knows the people living there will give me untold amounts of grief.

I'd love to hear opinions and experiences with this. Obviously my 'minimum' would have to be severely enforced for this kind of job.

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4 answers to this question

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Have you ever encountered that scenario, Dan? Most duplexes are single owner. Though I do have ownership in a duplex that is not. We split costs right down the middle for anything related to the exterior of the property.

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Someone just called me up asking to have their half of a duplex washed. In my area most duplexes are the result of folks with single homes that put a 100% increase in size addition and sell off half their home to make money before entirely moving out. It seems to be a popular trend in my area for folks that don't want to move out - yet make some money.

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I would never do a job for a renter unless I had cash in hand before we unwound a hose. When I said "one owner" I also meant owner occupied units. Tenants are not permitted to upgrade properties without owner authorization. In PA that would include pressure washing.

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that a tough one. lol!!! like town houses!! hehehe! use the angle of the wand to cut the line. to keep soap from goin on other house, hapened to me once got soap on other house. hehehe!!! i need to draw ya a pic i think? from what i learned. go past the edge or line you want to draw. point tward the middle of house. by the time you at middle of the section your washi begin pointin a lil to the middle again and in crease as you get to the end. or ya can break out the ladders n plasitc n tape and charge for it, and ya prob wont get the job cause price too high. give em 2 prices 1 for taping n all n other for how i said up top, or ask the other home owner( n cut a deal) to do the whole thing, throw in the side walk for free or some thin

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