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FT. Hood Massacre


Wow. Got off work today, get home, turn on CNN to hear about FtHood Shootings today.

My oldest Sister works 4 buildings from where it happened.

She is not allowed to use her cell phone at her civil service job.

Of course I'm freaking.

Got a hold of my Mom, she said my sis is good to go but on building lockdown.

My sis called from a pay phone inside.

Ironically My Mom was eating lunch at the Lubys in Killeen ( Ft. Hood Basically) when the last gun massacre in Texas took place in '94 that killed 20 something.

My mom was smart, she just climbed ( quickly) under the table and waited for it all to stop. Then she ran like He l l, without paying the check lol.

I have one blessed family.

What the heck is going on these days?

Freaky times man, freaky times.

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