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Thanksgiving - We all have something to be thankful for


In light of the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration and our industry's current strife, I thought now would be a really appropriate time to consider what we all have to be thankful for.

Not discounting our lives, families and health one bit, I would like to focus on what our profession has to be very thankful for.

We should all take a moment to appreciate and be thankful for the actions and efforts of everyone who has made a difference, be it by way of an encouraging phone call, a post on a forum, at round table, a convention, with a new network or a new org and even an old org coming back together........ It is distressing to see lines being drawn in the sand over the weekend when in another place, deep lines were erased and a new vision was coming to light.

Look at the things that have been accomplished in the past 5-6 years! We are more widely recognized as professionals - we have all learned the power of networking - we communicate more with each other as opposed to blindly competing. Truly there is more encouragement and sharing with other companies than blindsiding or bashing. Mistakes are made and fixed and the industry as a whole has grown stronger.

And even though it's probably the same 150 or so people, we're all doing it together, for better or for worse. Even with the monthly histrionics that happen - we're all still here and the fact that we're succeeding in spite of ourselves is something to be thankful for, don't you think? We can all reflect on where we are now and be thankful that somebody in our odd little world helped us somehow and then we were able to help someone else. Even when we feel wronged, we grow from it and it betters us. If you imagine how it would be if we weren't all here for each other in some way or another, suddenly this strange pressure washing family is something to be thankful for.

Just a thought before I log off for the evening -


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