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I hate Tuesdays!


So, normally Mondays are the "bad day". I now officially HATE Tuesdays (and Federal Express......and squirrels)

Just today we have had:

* A national org "rename" our company. (Corrections in the works)

* Our local/national org published our phone number incorrectly in the new member listings (which means no one can call us! grrr)

At 11:40 I was wondering when Fed Ex was going to show with over $2K of product we need for a job. I check the tracking info and lo and behold, there's a delivery receipt - signed mind you, saying it had been received at our address by R Gothorp at 9:39. Let me dissect this unresolved mishap :(

First - No one came to my door.

Second - Roger is in South Carolina and I would never sign R Gothorp - I have a name that I am comfortable using.

Third - Fed Ex can't contact the driver while he's on his route so they'll call me. WTF? Don't trucks have GPS and radios?

After my 3rd call to their customer service, they tell me that the package was misdelivered - since R Gothorp was signed, someone evidently thinks they're him and should be receiving two enviro-green buckets labeled BRICK SEALER. Hmmmm - not likely.

Fast forward to 6 pm, 11 hours after the truck left the facility - which by the way is over an hour to my home and he managed to deliver in exactly that time frame - since I'm sure there were no deliveries prior to mine through the two large cities in between :(

Back to the misdelivered package. I have not received a call from anyone with 2 strange green buckets - and our number is clearly printed on the shipping label on the buckets. They say the driver will be able to go GET the said misdelivered buckets tomorrow and deliver them. So, if the moron couldn't deliver to the right address the first time around, what makes them think that he'll remember the INCORRECT address he delivered to today!!!!

As if all of this today didn't have me scrambling for a bottle of wine, I'm hanging up the phone with FedEx for the 4th time and I hear stuff breaking in my kitchen. Kids are in the playroom - who the hell is in my kitchen? Turn on kitchen light and there is a friggin' SQUIRREL scrambling all over my kitchen (such as it is - which is worse than Beth's for the record). There are 6 Christmas trees around my house and a 120 lb boxer that hates squirrels and it looked like it was going to touch every square foot of my home before we can heard him out the door. At this point, the children are laying on the dog and I head to the door. I look for the silly rodent, and the oversized furry tailed rat is now streaking straight for me!! I managed to get the door open so the only part on Celeste that the intruder managed to dash across was my feet - had that thing run up me, I wouldn't be typing this. I will tell you this - squirrels are cute OUTSIDE AND IN TREES - they are NOT remotely cute inside your home :(

Wednesday needs to hurry up!

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So, normally Mondays are the "bad day". I now officially HATE Tuesdays (and Federal Express......and squirrels)

Just today we have had:

* A national org "rename" our company. (Corrections in the works)

* Our local/national org published our phone number incorrectly in the new member listings (which means no one can call us! grrr)

At 11:40 I was wondering when Fed Ex was going to show with over $2K of product we need for a job. I check the tracking info and lo and behold, there's a delivery receipt - signed mind you, saying it had been received at our address by R Gothorp at 9:39. Let me dissect this unresolved mishap :(

First - No one came to my door.

Second - Roger is in South Carolina and I would never sign R Gothorp - I have a name that I am comfortable using.

Third - Fed Ex can't contact the driver while he's on his route so they'll call me. WTF? Don't trucks have GPS and radios?

After my 3rd call to their customer service, they tell me that the package was misdelivered - since R Gothorp was signed, someone evidently thinks they're him and should be receiving two enviro-green buckets labeled BRICK SEALER. Hmmmm - not likely.

Fast forward to 6 pm, 11 hours after the truck left the facility - which by the way is over an hour to my home and he managed to deliver in exactly that time frame - since I'm sure there were no deliveries prior to mine through the two large cities in between :(

Back to the misdelivered package. I have not received a call from anyone with 2 strange green buckets - and our number is clearly printed on the shipping label on the buckets. They say the driver will be able to go GET the said misdelivered buckets tomorrow and deliver them. So, if the moron couldn't deliver to the right address the first time around, what makes them think that he'll remember the INCORRECT address he delivered to today!!!!

As if all of this today didn't have me scrambling for a bottle of wine, I'm hanging up the phone with FedEx for the 4th time and I hear stuff breaking in my kitchen. Kids are in the playroom - who the hell is in my kitchen? Turn on kitchen light and there is a friggin' SQUIRREL scrambling all over my kitchen (such as it is - which is worse than Beth's for the record). There are 6 Christmas trees around my house and a 120 lb boxer that hates squirrels and it looked like it was going to touch every square foot of my home before we can heard him out the door. At this point, the children are laying on the dog and I head to the door. I look for the silly rodent, and the oversized furry tailed rat is now streaking straight for me!! I managed to get the door open so the only part on Celeste that the intruder managed to dash across was my feet - had that thing run up me, I wouldn't be typing this. I will tell you this - squirrels are cute OUTSIDE AND IN TREES - they are NOT remotely cute inside your home :(

Wednesday needs to hurry up!

That is why I use UPS. FedEx cannot remeber to drop off at the back,they drop off at the front. A supplier shipped FedEx truck. They could not drop off at the shop w/o a signature,even thought every other shipper does. For their driver to make a phone call so I could have one of my guys at the shop was $40.00.

Now the squirrel. It is probably too late, but a live trap and peanuts works very well. A dark cloth over the cage helps. Then FedEx the little tree rat to me and I will take care of it for you. most importantly, did you get video of the rodent, the boxer and you?

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