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berms/ dams


Are berms & dams the same? I am copying Alans' idea & using a pool hose to block water. What type of sand & hose should I use? Could someone kindly elabaorate on this method of blocking water.

Thank you

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2 answers to this question

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Used fire hose cut to desired length and filled with sand (any sand will do.. Home Depot sells it cheap) is one of the easiest methods I have heard to create a berm or dam. Use in the field seems pretty self explanatory, but since you asked... just place it so that it diverts or holds water where you want it to go..

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In many places the Fire Depts are accountable for the hose and when they need new ones they must return the old ones, so finding it may be a chore. Except for the larger sizes available, I do not see how it works any better for clsoing the gap on the ground.

As far as the pool drain hose goes, the larger the better. Especially if you wil be using a sump pump rather than a vacuum to pick it up. I have used the 2" pool hose filled with sand to slow the water long enough for the vacuum toget it, but doubt that it will work very well with a sump alone.

If I were to use a sump for picking up the water, I would buy water booms from www.newpig.com as they are much larger than the pool hose. If you want to try the pool hose, look in the pool section of Home Depot or the like as they sell 50 foot rolls for about $20.00 rather than $3.00 a foot in the plumbing section.

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