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Canvas Awning Cleaning


I have gained the contract of a shopping center that has canvas awnings and was wondering if anyone out there can throw a few tips my way. This is the first time that I've had a job with "canvas" awnings. The others have been either metal or heavy plastic/vinyl. I understand that this thread may be better suited for the commercial section, but seeing as how canvas is used in many different settings, I chose to post it here.

My intention is go with my regular house wash (2 gallons of 12.5%, 2 scoops of Simple Cherry, good squirt of AB Dawn, and 3 gallons water) and give them a really good soaking. Let the set about 20 to 30 minutes and then use my 4040 tip from a ladder. I'm running at 7gpm. My thought is that the use of the soap followed by a thorough rinsing will do the job.

- The awnings range from very light to moderate mold/mildew.

- The awnings are white canvas

A few of the awnings have small rips/tears. These have been documented and provided to the management company. I will certainly be extra cautious around those areas, likely only using the water hose to rinse as they are not soiled near the rips.

Ideas? Concerns? Hard knock stories?


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