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Things NOT to do while cleaning


While I was still in school, cleaning afforded me many great opportunities to just think about any problems I was currently working on or things that were just bugging the hang out of me (like computer programming issues). Since I've finished up with the whole school scene, spending 10 hours alone cleaning carpets and vacuuming with nothing to focus on mentally is a little disturbing. SO, I try to find things to do while cleaning to take my mind off it (let's face it, it doesn't take devoted attention to ensure proper cleaning of toilets). While I was in the book store the other day (wife was searching the softer side of Sears) I walked through the section on languages. I've had plenty of study in spanish and german, so I thought I'd give a shot at becoming fluent in them by listening to some CDs. Well, while I was searching a Mandarin Chinese Cd set caught my eye....8 cds designed to be a total immersion course for learning quickly. Stupid me bought it. I went home, loaded the first two series on my MP3 player and took it into work.:thinking:

Two hours into my cleaning I could have killed a cow for mooing I was so frustrated!! :dunno: I was so aggravated with myself for not even understanding what the h*** the lessons were trying to convey that the slightest things just worked me over.....drop cord getting hung up under a chair, mop handle falling sideways in the bucket, me stepping on the vacuum cord while vacuuming....ARGHHH!!!:irritated :grrr:

Anyone who can learn a language like this, hats off to you. I'm going to give it another shot, hopefully it will get better. If not, I can just go back to belting out off-tune versions of "Friends in Low Places.":zipit:

Are there any other good suggestions folks have learned on things "NOT" to do while cleaning? I'd love to hear them.

Ryan H.


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Cutting my own hand with my pressure washer spray while on a 28 foot ladder comes to mind..... right between the pointer and thumb. That sucked for about a week of pressure washing. Nick

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When you learn the Chinese, could you teach me how to ask for an order of almond chicken in a Chinese restaurant?

That's the only purpose I'd have for speaking Mandarin Chinese.

Good luck....

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Babelfish says the simple translation is 杏仁雞 for almond chicken. 繁體中文版 is the traditional translation.

Now, since I'm trying to learn everything in spoken rather than written (I'll be illiterate), I couldn't tell you how in the WORLD to pronounce it.

Oh man, I may need to rethink this and just go back to listening to U2.

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Oh yeah, dropping a paint scraper from three stories onto my buddies head... Nobody ever really ducks when you say "DUCK" these days.

nick...thanks for the heads up on that....

tony....where i eat the wife asks for number 143....it will save you all that fruststration and tripping over pipes and equipment and stuff...

"Are there any other good suggestions folks have learned on things "NOT" to do while cleaning?".....never tell the cust that you are upset that the little bit in the corner is cracking you up because you cannot get it up to your standard..when they are obviousley over the moon with the job....;-)

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Don't touch your thigh with a spinning makita loaded with 60 grit sandpaper. Turn the trigger lock off before moving around. Takes hide and hair off very quickly. Plus it took my leg 4 months to heal. Haven't done that in 3 years now. Once was enough.


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Never try moving a full shop vac down carpeted stairs without making certain that the top is SECURED. I managed to dump 2 housefulls of drywall dust and carpet grigglies all the way down the staircase...makes for a great day.

Oh and by the way Reed......if you want that fresh shaved look, try Nair next time :)


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Never hold a rag soaked with MEK between your legs to free up your hands for even “just a second”.......I am 6 foot 4 and 263 pounds and cried like a little girl while trying to get thru traffic and across town to get my pants off and rinse my thighs. Calloused hands are much tougher than the rest of your body thats for sure.

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OUCH, glad you didn't get pulled over!

I swear to God I would have kept on going and they would have to arrest me in the shower. I thought my skin was peeling away (it did not tho).

It soaked in my jeans and moved all the way up to the forbidden zone and burned more with each passing moment. It may not burn your hands but it will sure burn other things. I am happy to say that after 20 minutes of rinsing in cold water everything is safe and working fine.

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One other thing comes to mind,

Don't sit on a handrail recently soaked with oxallic either. Wait to get off the deck or find another route other than sitting on it to get to the ladder. Burning the "privates" is very uncomfortable.


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