It burns me up to hear peace protesters ask "What has Sadaam done to us?"
I'd have to say - GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND!
Sadaam and his regime killed over 180,000 Kurds during a 5 year period in the late 80's and early 90's. (Ethnic purging - because he didn't like the color of their skin.)
They have continued to kill and torture anyone that disagrees and is even slightly suspected of being a threat to them.
They have killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians and thousands of Kuwaitees, and harbor terrorists who kill anyone that supports Israel.
People disapper in the middle of the night, never to be seen again (same as the communists had done in their days).
Look around in that area, how many true democracies you see - not many, as most of these countries are dictatorships of one form or another. That's why they stick together - they don't want an uprising created to lose their control.
Would we not want someone to come and help us if someone was treating us that way? I would!
Thanks for letting me express my opinions in this free country!
This is a political editorial.
It burns me up to hear peace protesters ask "What has Sadaam done to us?"
I'd have to say - GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND!
Sadaam and his regime killed over 180,000 Kurds during a 5 year period in the late 80's and early 90's. (Ethnic purging - because he didn't like the color of their skin.)
They have continued to kill and torture anyone that disagrees and is even slightly suspected of being a threat to them.
They have killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians and thousands of Kuwaitees, and harbor terrorists who kill anyone that supports Israel.
People disapper in the middle of the night, never to be seen again (same as the communists had done in their days).
Look around in that area, how many true democracies you see - not many, as most of these countries are dictatorships of one form or another. That's why they stick together - they don't want an uprising created to lose their control.
Would we not want someone to come and help us if someone was treating us that way? I would!
Thanks for letting me express my opinions in this free country!
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