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one or two coats?


I know that this has been discussed before but I want to get a better idea as to what is the prefered method for sealing. One or two coats? I currently use Deckscapes because of its availability in my area and I apply only 1 heavy coat. With my technique being to brush and roll the sealer, it doesnt seem like it would be worth it to apply an additional coat. It would take a lot more time and cost the customer even more than what I currently charge. Im not even sure that it would look that much better to apply two coats nor whould it offer any extra protection. Just wanted to get an idea of your experiences with this and the outcomes. thanks.

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3 answers to this question

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Product specifics makes this a hard one.

Some products like Sikkens SRD are a 1 coat product. Applying more than one actually shortens it life. (just wish the customer would listen and read the directions for themselves)

We used to use Cuprinol and had to apply a second coat wet-on-wet in order to get a decent finish. Many other products feature the wet-on-wet application rule and the results are very rich.

I would follow the mfr instructions as directed and provided its a quality product, you and your client should be happy with the results.


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Rod you the man. I feel like I should be paying you tuition and fees.

Thanks for your responses and I wanted to let you know that this forum is great and is in my opinion the best of the ones that I frequent through Deck Seal. I also look forward to trying your new products from Presuretek. I guess what I was trying to get at in my last post is why wouldnt contractors prefer to use a reputable seal that only requires one coat?

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The jury is still out on that question.

It depends on what you have set up for your business model...

Do you want people to come back every year or do you want to do them every other year?

This can best be answered by looking at what people in you area are willing to pay and what they can afford.

I have heard from a number of companies who like to use something that is a 1 coat product so that they can get more business the next year and it is cheaper for them to use and they make more money...etc. This is an example of quanitity business.

Then there are the other side of the coins who feel that 2 coats give a better product and will last longer. They give the most bang for the buck and develop their client base that way...this is an example of quality business.

Nothing wrong with either of them. They are established by the accepted trade practices in their local region and are subject to the incomes and climate conditions that dictate the need for one service over the other.

btw, thank you for your appreciation of what is going on here at TGS. Although it is not by Beth and I alone, but by the efforts of the many who come here and become a part of the community. Great to see you here. :)


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