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KC Deck

Oxalic Acid and Citric Acid


First, is it Citric Acid or Citralic Acid, I have seen both mentioned on forums and was just wondering if it is the same thing.

Second, I would like to know where I can buy some of the mentioned acids in a bulk container. I dont want to keep buying consumer grade cleaning and brightening products, I would like to make my own. Any suggestions?

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chemistrystore.com sells bulk ingredients. With that said, there is something to be said for manufacturers of premeasured packaged product. Mixture instructions, msds, important stuff like that. There are several distributors who make very good commercial grade products - Rowlett Pressure Cleaning (www.rowlettpressure.com), Pressure Tek (www.pressuretek.com) and ESP (look for Russell Cissell on this board) These are all good products with manufacturers backing them. There are plenty of guys that make their own home brews that I'm sure will pipe up shortly but for us, right now as new in the bus as we are (2 yrs) we're sticking to the stuff with instructions. It's been well worth the money.


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I prefer to use citric since it does not irritate as much as can be mixed at a higher percentage, and xjet'd. Citric is more expensive, maybe 30% more, but well worth the labor savings due to the xjetability. Celeste, email me if you need instructions on mixing ideas, save you an easy $30-$60 a deck, which is a lot of money.


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First, is it Citric Acid or Citralic Acid, I have seen both mentioned on forums and was just wondering if it is the same thing.

Not the same, but they both do the same thing only citric is slower and less agressive on the wood making it easier to rinse and less likely to dive too deep into the woods substrate. Citralic is a blend of both citric and oxalic to make a unique neutralizer/brightener that can also work well on concrete surfaces for light etching or rust stain removal.

Second, I would like to know where I can buy some of the mentioned acids in a bulk container. I dont want to keep buying consumer grade cleaning and brightening products, I would like to make my own. Any suggestions?

Save some time and buy what the pro's use. The products are proven and you dont need to reinvent the wheel where they are concerned.


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