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KC Deck



I had a customer call today who just wants her flooring done. She said it was stained last year, but it is already fading. She said the deck is on a house that is used for home tours in a new neighborhood. I probably already know the answer to my question, but i wanted to get some advice from you all.

Do i just strip and stain the flooring, or do I strip the whole deck and stain it all?

Im thinking there is no possible way to match the colors together, so I am leaning torward the whole deck? Am I right?


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6 answers to this question

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If you think there is a good possibility of selling quality services in the neighborhood to people touring, perhaps you can do the entire thing for the original proposed clost of the flooring with the agreement that they will display your flyers and have a stack of business cards available to everyone who sees it. Hey, do a two-tone and really sell the thing!

Wife and I went to a display of several high-end homes being built in a neighborhood that had various things homeowners would want on display (decorations, media rooms, game rooms, specialty tile work, "luxury" bathroom designs, deck staining quality that is very unusual for the area, etc.). Every contractor that had a part in putting the finishes on the house had displays and flyers detailing their work. There were many many many people passing through who signed up for estimates to have things done on their own property.

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I agree with Ryan, this is a great marketing opportunity for you. If you have the chance to get more business from it, price it accordingly - don't go out of pocket of course, but if the railings are in great shape, do the floor to make it a two-tone project.

Do you know what's on the floor - if it was done last year and is fading, it is possible that you could do a light percarb and do a maintenance type application, maybe in a shade or so darker if you can't match it exactly, again with the two tone effect.

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well i got the job. 550 sq ft for 1600.00. A guy from Wood Renew stained it last year im not sure what he stained it with, but it was TERRIBLE!!!!

Runs, and streaks everywhere, different shades, splotches, and it had already worn away to the bare wood in some spots. The homeowner said she came home and found his 12 year old son doing the job, while his dad (the guy from wood renew) was gone. Stain was all over the side of the stucco, and her hot tub. It LOOKED like a 12 year old did it. Im going to strip everything, and start over. Her house is going to be featured in a K.C. magazine so she wants her deck to look perfect. I dont say i cant blame her. Wish me luck!!!!

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well i got the job. 550 sq ft for 1600.00. A guy from Wood Renew stained it last year im not sure what he stained it with, but it was TERRIBLE!!!!

Runs, and streaks everywhere, different shades, splotches, and it had already worn away to the bare wood in some spots. The homeowner said she came home and found his 12 year old son doing the job, while his dad (the guy from wood renew) was gone. Stain was all over the side of the stucco, and her hot tub. It LOOKED like a 12 year old did it. Im going to strip everything, and start over. Her house is going to be featured in a K.C. magazine so she wants her deck to look perfect. I dont say i cant blame her. Wish me luck!!!!

good luck !!! get the deck in the magazine and you'll be reaping the rewards for quite some time....... for close to $3.00 a sq ft, i assume your sealing it in gold or platinum...??? LOL

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