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Desperate plea from customer


Here is an email I recieved this morning. I really need to refer her to someone in the NYC area. She is about one mile north of the city. I would have to charge her a ridiculous rate to get out there as it is at least a three hour ride for me. There is also concrete work that needs to eb done and a housewash in this package. Sounds like she is willing to spend the money.

Okay, Ken, I'm pretty convinced that you're the man we need. Our job

isn't huge. We have a wood ceiling on our covered porch that has

gotten some mold due to poor ventilation. We have fixed the

ventilation problem. Our painters came in and started sanding at the

wood, but it's really not hitting the mark. The wood on the railing

of our front porch needs help, too. I've had a really bad experience

so far with our hardwoods inside. We ended up having to hire another

company in to do the job after the first company did a number on our

floors. I really like this wood ceiling on the porch and know it

could be brought back to life if handled correctly. What's the wait

time after cleaning before it can be sealed? I realize we'd be

talking 6 hours of drive time for a small job, but how much would we

be looking at? Our deck is approx. 50 feet long and 10 feet wide.

I'm going to have a new Mahogany deck put down within the next two

weeks. Wondering if we could time this s!

o you could stain/seal that, as well. I'd pay hotel for you to

stay overnight. Let me know what we'd be looking at. If this is

totally unrealistic, please let me know if you know someone really

good in the area. Money isn't falling from our trees, but I just

can't stomache having my porch screwed up after what happened to the

inside of our house.



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......so charge large and go do it!! If it is paying well.....

I don't know if you've ever refinished a t&g ceiling, but charge way high for it. Hard to do, hard to make nice, and basically all around miserable work. Budget a lot of buffing and maybe sanding, and you have to get into the bevels which is tough. If you are stripping, washing, neutr., buffing/sanding, and two coats of something, be around $5.00, seriously. You'll kick yourself if you don't. Obviously, if you were doing an entire house this price would be high, but for just 500sf, it is where you need to be.


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Ken - Call me to discuss. I am local'ish depending on where she lives. I am working on a deck now and think I am going to close a restoration on a Mahogony deck tomorrow so I will get some practice in. Or, if you are interested we could do this together with my rig but I need to work out details with my partner.



Aqua Doctor Restoration Services

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Mark sounds win/win. I will give you a call Friday afternoon. My biggest issues are the gas, wear and tear on truck and bringing labor. Your suggestion could feasibly work out and I won't have to charge her as much and still put a nice profit in your pocket. It would also solve a labor for learning circumstance. There are a couple of things in the making so whichever pans out. Thank you for the offer.

PS: How far are you from Monmouth County.

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Mark, I'm still waiting to hear from a guy in NY. I'd really rather pass this off, but I am picky to whom I hand over referrals so I need to see some of this guy's work. I'll probably end up giving you a call on Monday morning, have a great weekend. -Ken

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