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KC Deck

Odd request


I had a lady call me today, and she wants her deck cleaned and sealed. But she said she does not want it powerwashed, because it hurts her wood. I have never heard of that before, if anyone else has please fill me in. She also said she has "heard" of a chemical that does not require power washing, you spray it on and rinse it off with a hose. Is there such a chemical? I am thinking no. Second, she wants a clear sealer. I said if she doesnt want her wood "hurt" then she would want stain. UV rays is what damages wood, right? I havent called her back yet, was wanting to get some insight from you all.


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2 answers to this question

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Your insights are correct. Find out if she wants the same sealer that was on there previously. If the product used was an oil semi trans, or a solid with no peeling or flaking then use sodium percarbonate. Tell you will use a purified form of Oxyclean which is non-toxic and safer for the wood than bleach or a harsh stripper (make sure you don't have to strip though). As far as pressure goes, hopefully you already nozzle down to the correct pressure for wood cleaning so you should be able to convince her easily that you will not damage the wood. From her standpoint, she is correct. Most Master Blaster washers out there use high pressure on wood and cause damage.

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Many companies advertise that you can use their cleaners to "spray on, watch the dirt dissolve before your eyes, and rinse off!". The fine print says you have to lightly scrub the surface after applying the chem. So do that for her. Or, explain that the pressure you'll use will be about as powerful as putting your thumb over the garden hose. Just bid a little higher if you have to scrub,

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