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Lou Beach

Technique and Pricing Help Needed



I need to put a quote together on this house. It is aprox 2600 sq ft and the propterty owner wants vinyl and concrete foundation only cleaned. He does not want the brick front done, but does want the gutters and vinyl trim done on the front of the house cleaned.

What is a fair price for this house?

How do I clean the vinyl trim and gutters on the front of the house without getting any streaking or affecting the brick front of house? Do I wet the entire front of the house down and then spray on my housewash for the vinyl areas? Here is a real dumb newbie question. What do you call the area's in the pictures of the vinyl? I put arrow in the area's I am talking about.

Also what is the best way to get to that gutter that sits above the triangle peak above the garage? The third picture gives a shot of the gutter above the gargage. How would I get to that?







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Lou, if you did, how did you do for price? If you don't mind me asking.;)

I'm just curious about how your customer responded to you doing the whole thing. Did it go well? Were you able to educate them about housewashes, or were they sure you were trying to separate them from an unusual amount of cash?

I face this often with prospectsd that are unsure what I do.

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This lapse in contact from a homeowner poses yet another good question - Follow-ups? Do you check back after a couple of days, weeks, ever? If you are just blown off (which, no disrespect to you Lou, I would think is the case after three months), how do you handle it?


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This is what we do, on average we wash 1000 sq ft in 30 minutes or less,

so a typical 2 story vinyl some brick home that is 2500 sq ft plus add the 2 car garage and we are around $300 House only and another $200 to hand scrub the gutters, House only, at the most 1.5 hour maybe 2 hours if I have a real new helper, add another 45 minutes for gutters and were gone, here is my formula, basically with Fuel cost and labor it cost me almost $75 just to drive to the house and the price of chems, we on average can do 4-6 of these Houses in a 10 hour day if located closely, Our minimum is $250 for anything, and we have a rule, we dont do only 2-3 sides of a house we do it all, they will still be charged for a whole house wash, so why not get your monies worth.?

If your not charging at least $100 per hour and you have insurance, equip. employees, advertising you wont be in business long, unless you have very deep pockets, and you dont mind losing tons of money.. .. Keep in mind it is a long winter in most parts of the country.. And Fuel cost keep going sky high Days of the $200 house wash are long gone.. God Bless

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