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Mark Williamson

PWNA convetion

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Mark what type of Hotel or Motel do you want to stay at can make a big difference in cost.

I figured I spent $1,200 plus each time but both were in Las Vegas so I drove there in 3.5 hours.

I would say $2000 is a good number unless you end up buying tons of things.

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I am with Mark....I have not been to a PWNA convention before and plan to attend if possible.

Would you mind explaining the layout of how things go....I imagine a floor with vendors selling, advertising products, equipment etc that may or maynot be discounted for the show.

We went to Memphis a few months ago for a wedding, I think the room was about $150/ night +-, air was around $250 round trip from NC, taxi to hotel about $15 +-, food in the area was anything you wnated to spend from typical sandwiches to upscale dining ($8 to $50 pp).

Would appreciate any other insites??? I need to check the web for cert classes.

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You can get a more in depth details about the upcoming PWNA Convention on our website or just click on this brochure link http://www.pwna.org/PWNA/PWNA_2006_Convention/PWNAconferencebook.pdf

The Convention is from April 6-8 so you'll need a room the nite of the 5th -7th which is 3 days..The Rooms are blocked off for attendies of the Convention which allows you to get a cheaper rate of $129/nite so figure with Tax's it comes out to close to $150/nite so its $450 for the room. THe Convention will cost you another $395 so now where up to $845. Now you figure a couple of hundred for food and other items such as drinks or whatever your now around $1045..Then there is the flights which lets say Roundtrip cost about $400 so your now in the neighborhood of $1500..If you take a certification course with Test you add another $ 700 or so to it.

SO with this being said $2000 is about right but now you must look at he positives here which is #1 The people you meet and the classes that you attend and the knowledge and the excitement you get from being around people with the same interest that you have. Then after everything is said and done you can write this whole tab off next year when you do your taxes...Oh yea don't forget this year is the first year that the spouses can go for Free and I believe there is also an employee discount for each additional member that a company brings.

Personaly I love these Conventions and I Get so much out of them..I look forward to each time of year meeting all the people that I've known over the years and to share each others experiences and to just talk shop..is priceless!!

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You can get a more in depth details about the upcoming PWNA Convention on our website or just click on this brochure link http://www.pwna.org/PWNA/PWNA_2006_Convention/PWNAconferencebook.pdf

The Convention is from April 6-8 so you'll need a room the nite of the 5th -7th which is 3 days..The Rooms are blocked off for attendies of the Convention which allows you to get a cheaper rate of $129/nite so figure with Tax's it comes out to close to $150/nite so its $450 for the room. THe Convention will cost you another $395 so now where up to $845. Now you figure a couple of hundred for food and other items such as drinks or whatever your now around $1045..Then there is the flights which lets say Roundtrip cost about $400 so your now in the neighborhood of $1500..If you take a certification course with Test you add another $ 700 or so to it.

SO with this being said $2000 is about right but now you must look at he positives here which is #1 The people you meet and the classes that you attend and the knowledge and the excitement you get from being around people with the same interest that you have. Then after everything is said and done you can write this whole tab off next year when you do your taxes...Oh yea don't forget this year is the first year that the spouses can go for Free and I believe there is also an employee discount for each additional member that a company brings.

Personaly I love these Conventions and I Get so much out of them..I look forward to each time of year meeting all the people that I've known over the years and to share each others experiences and to just talk shop..is priceless!!

JOhn is right... you will learn a lot and meet some cool people. I am going to Vegas on Vacation on the 8th otherwise I would go. I spent about 1400 for columbus without having to pay airfair. Go have fun!

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We are planning to go however, flights are running in the neighborhood of $475/person....we have a suburban - I'm thinking that if we get another couple from NC to ride along, we'll all save some money!


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Mark W. I have seen a few, one so far who was doing reclaim and he was washing Millie's Restaurant, one who could care less about any laws and was washing the USPS trucks and couple just towing rigs around.

Let me do a bit of yellow page research and I will Email you more infomation.

What part of NM are you thinking of relocating to?

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