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Okay I just picked up a new client and he's also a mortgage banker which is good because hopefully it will lead me to more money, anyway he wants me to clean his home V siding and he asked if i could spray something for spiders does anyone have or recommend anything eother with wash water or after. thanks

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Good luck finding something, its hard to fight mother nature. Nothing I ever heard of to fight spiders except have his pest control people more often. People (homeowners)are looking for the easy way quite often, sometimes theres no easy inexpensive quick fix. If he has spiders tell him you would be glad to wash 2 times a year

Alot of the condo complexes around here have a maint. guy and on the breezeway areas quite often they'll have the maint. guy brushing off webs, & droppings once a week


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My pest control guy says that the only thing that will effectively kill spiders is a size 10 (shoe). According to him, the walk so high and on such a little "footprint" that they don't absorb enough chems to die.

We get regular treatments, and spiders still plague our house.

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To effectively controll spiders you must use a micro encapsulted product that doesn't wash away after it rains. House must be cleaned first and treat the crack and crevices with an insecticide. In Wi. you must be a licensed pest control operator in order to use a such product.


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I wash a LOT of houses with spiders (especially those near any water) and I have a background in pest control (Terminix for 6 years). In order to kill spiders, you almost have to either use a size 10, or apply the pesticide directly to the arachnid. Since pesticides can stain siding, you really don't want to apply it directly to the siding.

Here is a possible solution: schedule a perimeter pesticide application for immediately after the housewash. Here's why...when washing the house, all the spiders are flushed off of the siding and wind-up on the ground around the foundation. Rather than trying to stomp them all, the pesticide will be more effective while they are "groggy" from the house wash chems.

This isn't perfect, and you can't apply the pesticide yourself (unless you are licensed) but the homeowner can buy and apply a good Ortho mix as soon as you are done. I hope this helps.

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I would never suggest that a homeowner do his own pest control, to many safety concerns in reguarding using an insecticide. Make a deal with a pest control service and you could get alot more business. If the pest control company says he just sprays the house don't go with them. Only use a pest control company that will do the crack and crevice treatment as I stated before. Besides owning a wood restoration since 1994, I also have been in the pest control business also for 18 years.

Good Luck

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BTW, should you need it in a pinch Brake Parts Cleaner kills black widows (and wasps) in seconds. I like it because it's a thin solvent that's specifically designed for no residue. That makes it ideal for killing carpenter bees.


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