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God bless 9/11


Ive been doing office work and watching A&E channel tonight, they have a show on now about the anatomy of 9/11 at the World Trade Center. What a show God Bless All

Tomorrow night they have a movie of flight 93 at 9/11, just the previews are brining tears to my eyes. But I think everybody should watch it. We should NEVER FORGET the victims of this horrible attack

They should show the towers coming down every month so we and our elected offials see what can happen and remember

Osama is still out there and they hate in the arab countries against us is growing. Why is osama still alive I have some houghts and I think we dropped the ball in Afganastan & Iraq, but Im not going to start a politcal discussion

Watch Flight 93 Monday at 9PM eastern

Good Bless the many victim of 9/11 and their familys and good bless the 1st responders

You will never be forgotten


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Osama is still out there and they hate in the arab countries against us is growing. Why is osama still alive I have some houghts and I think we dropped the ball in Afganastan & Iraq, but Im not going to start a politcal discussion

If you really want to get a little spooked, Tivo for "psychology of a suicide bomber" and watch that. We in the western world (well, at least I) have always been perplexed by UBL's (et.al) ability to convince hundreds to go to their death. This special examines the work of a group of forenic psycologists who examined the 9/11 attackers and other suicide bombers. They were particularly interested in the meeting places and relationships that brought them together. What surpised them (and me) is that generally Al Quada does not seek out "martrys" and "Cells". These groups/mindsets appear to form on their own and then seek out AQ/UBL for support/resources/training. They equated it to Harvard University. i.e. Harvard does not need to seek out the best, they seek out Harvard.

And when I say these groups form on their own, I do not mean Mohammed Atta recruited 10 people and then went looking for UBL. I mean they come together out of thin air almost as if by chance. Strangers with similar, but less "aggressive" thought patterns meet and bond over common ideas. Once the group reaches multiple members the ideas/hatred/peer pressures become synergistic and grow until they explode in an act of violence.

Anyway, if this is true it means that the war on terror is as pointless as prohibition/the war on drugs/swatting gnats.


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