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business plan

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I was wondering if anyone would be able to share their business plans with me, I've searched the site for samples but I have been unable to see any.

I started a company 5 years ago determanded not to borrow any money (I called it the great experament) to many companys fail the first year due to owing to much money. I started mine with a handfull of tools and strong desire to make it work. (handy-man for restaurants)

Well it's five years now and I want to add a full service PW ( I've been using a 2700 cold unit) I dont want to take the short cuts that I did in the past, growth was very slow. Also restaurants are a economy drivin business, so when something like the gas crunch last year just about whiped me out.

It wasnt the price I was spending for gas, but the people just stoped eating out for a while, and then everything coming in there back door cost more, I was moved down the list, from maintaining the restaurants to just putting out fires.

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