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Clear Staining Decks.. ?


Just wondering what it does exactly. Stains the deck without soaking in a colour? Therefore preserves the wood while preserving the original colour of the wood?

Yes, 'colour' is spelt with a 'u'. Thanks.


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2 answers to this question

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There is no pigmentation in a clear sealer. Yes, it will protect the wood from moisture but it will not protct from UV damage and within six months the deck will be gray. To get off the gray you would have to strip it. Every single customer askes me about a clear and every single one of them I dissuay from using one. This is not from an egotisitcal or arrogance standpoint. I offer a written two year guarantee on my work. I will apply a clear only if the cutomer signs a waiver and work is then guaranteed for thirty days.

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