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The Tropics are Brewing


Here we go again it's that time of the year for hurricanes! It's pretty sad that N.O is still building levees from Katrina.

Jason are you ready for trop.strorm Chris?

I think you might be on the West side so that might be good and just get a good breeze. :cool:

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Here he comes!!!! It's a little high ( North) but it's 10 AM and has started to rain buckets!!!! It won't do much, the usual flooding. I actually like huricanes, bathing in the ocean gets old but I guess were so used to storms that we are much more prepared than our stateside counterparts.

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That's cool Jason i bet ya'll not to worried about this minamal storm till the big boys start brewing cat 3's and cat 5's.

Hang on to those palm trees so you don't fly away! :cool:

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Yeah Huricanes are actually cause for celebration, (Hey they're Latins any reason to party) Remeber everything is constructed with concrete, the biggest drag is loss of electricity and ICE lines. in 98 we went 2 months without power, water usually restores in a couple days but I always have a cistern at my properties. It getz crazy around here, people flood the stores to buy Rum, Sterno, and canned goods, people ride quads on the streets and crime takes a short vacation.

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