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So much to be thankful for


I should come over here to the Club House more. It's the personal side of the great folks I've met here in TGS community that sticks with me most. I'm sure I'm not alone in that there are some lifetime friendships forged here.

I took some rare and deserved time yesterday to take an afternoon drive in the truck with the dog. I've always enjoyed taking unknown roads to the end. I was rewarded yesterday with another gorgeous reminder of God's gift to us. I thought I'd share a typical high-country photo. Fall is coming. I've lived in Wyoming and coastal South Carolina, road-tripped all over the West and BC and the Yukon. My home and heart, though, will always be the mountains of North Carolina. We have much to be thankful for...I need to remind myself more to pause and take in the beauty that surrounds me, it's usually there, regardless of day or time. I just need to look for it. As business owners we get to experience the gifts of our labor, patience and determination....an accomplishment very few in our world get to experience.



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It's surprising how a little down time can make us feel. I'm looking forward to a day in the woods tomorow. We plan on scouting for deer signs on the ground we hunt during deer season, followed by several adult beverages. Just being out there lifts me up.

And Neil, I second taking the dog along. Mines a great listener.

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Well put Neil. Needed to read that. Though I might argue with you about the Hole. Heaven on Earth, IMO:) I know you agree!:) Truly, the Apps. in the Fall are breathtaking. If you can, get back to some of your tight decks when the colors are perfect and get your photos. I'm starting to learn about pics, our work can be greatly accentuated by the landscape/colors around it. Thats when you get those brochure shots. Great post.

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