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Hey everybody hope your all out voting today, whether its for a Democrat, Republican, Librarian or whoever just vote

I know I express my opinion quite a bit, but thats all it is,. I know i say some smart stuff and yes some real dumb stuff too. I just want the best for our country

So I have to head out soon in the rain and go vote, hope you all do too

Whoever wins or loses, I hope we all win as Americans


VOTE ?????? IN 2006

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Why four years? Senators serve for six, congressmen for two. Pres election in two years.

So your theory is that people that would have voted Republican, voted Democrat (liberal) because the Republicans weren't conservative enough? I don't see how that would be a logical decision.

Actually, I wash refering to our Governer, Jennefer Grandholm.

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Parts of the country has spoken and they wanted change...The Dems now have more seats but its still very close which tells you that this country is still very divided.

Hopefully the new Democrats can do a decent job even though I have my doubts about alot of them already.

God Help this Country if Billary Clinton the phony New Yorker gets in the White House in 08. This country will be a sitting duck to get blasted if that crook gets in.

In my state I voted mostly party line except for the biggest position which was the Governorship. I voted for Elliot Spitzer who's a democrat and knows how to get things done..This guy could be president one day as long as he can get that Monkey Billary off his back...

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There are currently something like 20 states that have a minimum wage higher than the fedreal requirement, not including the ones that passed it on this election (which includes mine). That being the case, the increase they are considering would have no effect either here or across the river in Illinois.

It would be interesting to see an economic comparison between them and those that pay $5.15. I bet there isn't a great difference.

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I heard an intersting theory about why the minimum wage is so important to them. The union scale in some contracts is based on the minimum wage. so raising the minimum wage in effect raises the union scale.

Something to think about


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I heard an intersting theory about why the minimum wage is so important to them. The union scale in some contracts is based on the minimum wage. so raising the minimum wage in effect raises the union scale.

Something to think about


I dont know about that, but Many states have the prevailing wage, which is often set buy what the union wage is. Prevailing wage is for usually city, state or federal projects so all have to pay the prevailing wage to their workers whether its union or non union

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Parts of the country has spoken and they wanted change...The Dems now have more seats but its still very close which tells you that this country is still very divided.

Hopefully the new Democrats can do a decent job even though I have my doubts about alot of them already.

God Help this Country if Billary Clinton the phony New Yorker gets in the White House in 08. This country will be a sitting duck to get blasted if that crook gets in.

John , I dont want hillary as president ever , one I just think theres to much bad blood between her & republican, I dont think the country is ready for a women president and I dont like her flip flopping

But why do you say she is a crook? Whitewater, The Gov never got her on anything for that we (the Gov) spent Millions of $$$$ investigating a possible $100,000 land deal.

I think the crooks just got kicked out this last election, except for the ones who havent got caught yet, both dem & republicans are going to get caught and they should be jailed

Im hoping things get done, we'll see.

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You nailed it about Whitewater..You know your history..Billary made in the neighborhood of a $100,000+ in an hour there because something she did was crooked. Why do you suppose that Lady(Can't remember her name) who had info on Hillary decided not to reveal it and because of that she had to sit in that jail all that time. Kind of like whats going on with Barry Bonds trainer Mr. Anderson who won't release the bad info on Bonds so he sat in Jail.

Common Jeff your a smart guy and the proof is in the pudding above..That is one of the many reason I'm sure why Most Americans don't trust Hillary.

Be the Happy Democrat that you are but don't be blinded by reality. Its like saying Barry Bonds didnt take steroids...That poor lady sat in jail for months because she wouldn't testify against the Clintons and the big bannana in that one was Hillary who is known to be much smarter then her husband but not nearly as good as a salesman as Bill Clinton was and is.

As for the economy back in the 90's don't forget who was the brainchild behind all that..Yup Alan Greenspan who was in charge of the Federal Bank..And who put him there....Ronald Reagan!!

So be a Happy Dem but please don't be blind as some of the Republicans obviously were.

P/S- about 6 yrs ago Hillary came into where I work..She went to a billionaires house here that was hosting a fun raiser for the Democratic Party.

These parties can cost $30,000 a head and more to get into it..its for the extreme rich. Because she came in Myself and 2 others worked this party in plain clothes off duty. I had to wear a secret service pin as instructed..To make along story short I was yip yapping with her secret service guys who go with her everywhere..I asked one of them "Would you take a bullet for her" and his response in a funny tone was "Would you"..Man did we share a good laugh:)

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John T, everybody on all sides will always have something negative to say about the other side, I know I usually do. I just hope something gets done and if we can find a way to get our military safer and hopefully out someday of Iraq thats all I care about

Maybe, just maybe with the dems in congress and Bush as prez, they might actually try to work together on many things. Maybe this is what Bush needed, he worked well I understand in Texas with both parties . Maybe he needed a little wake up call and maybe the Dems will actually restrain him some, so he just doesnt have a rubber stamp to do what he wants

We arent all going to be happy with everything that the new congress & Bush do together or seperate, but if the OVERALL picture improves I'll be happy with that

I've read where the FBI is adding hundreds of agents to go after political corruption in Washington, Federal , State & city. I think this is one of the most important things in our time to remove corruption from the congress. With congress, Pork is one thing and its ridiculous but taking brides or passing contracts for their own personal gain is another. Any congressman that steals or takes for his own gain should be jailed and jailed long term, because they are not only breaking the law, they are breaking the confidence of our nation

Good luck GW and the new Congress. Get something done, please

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With today's technology, I'm about ready to fight for the opportunity to vote on the major issues ourselves. 80% of the people want some type of immigration reform and they can't get it done?? Please....if they won't listen to the people and represent us....let's represent ourselves.I know it's a little far fetched but it can't be too far off.


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With today's technology, I'm about ready to fight for the opportunity to vote on the major issues ourselves. 80% of the people want some type of immigration reform and they can't get it done?? Please....if they won't listen to the people and represent us....let's represent ourselves.I know it's a little far fetched but it can't be too far off.


To bad we cant do a national type thing, like you say. Id like our voices heard

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Voter initiative can be very dangerous. 80% of people may want something, but only 20% may actually take the time to vote. RI almost passed this last session for state wide issues and it failed for that reason.

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80% of people may want something, but only 20% may actually take the time to vote.

I know the dangers, but shame on the 60% that don't show up. We only had 30% turnout state wide in a normal election. So what is the difference??

Voting is a right. But in some ways it is a privelege, if you don't take advantage of it then shame on you.

Voters rights acts have weakened the rights of others. I think our forefathers had it right when they only allowed landowners to vote. I mean why should someone who doesn't own property have a "right" to vote on a property tax. Yes, every citizen should have a right to vote on some things, but what happens if an unemployed or non tax paying majority decides to legislate higher taxes on the workers to fund entitlements for the poor?With the earned income tax credit some people get ALL their income taxes returned to them.So why should they get to support a higher tax rate on the rich?

Not smacking the rights of Americans(especially the vote), just posing questions to think about.


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Pure democracy (everyone's input counts everytime) is a crock and can never work. Personally, I wouldn't want the majority input to happen everytime. There are WAY too many people out there dumb enough to think things like "free lunches" exist. There are too many dumb people out there who think that all laws should be made at a federal level (min. wage, for example...that should be at the state level). There are too many dumb people out there who think rich people are evil and the police power of government (mob mentality) should be used to redistribute it.

No thanks...I'll take our broken system over mob rule anyday. But I DO agree on the immigration thing, and that's a prime example of "majority ruling." No politician wants to do anything about it because the immigrant..aw hell, let me call it what it is...the hispanic population of this culture is overwhelmingly opposed to limiting any type of border-crossing, either legally or illegally. Politicians recognize the large voting pool they have with the hispanics, and recognize the power of "group voting" and don't want to disrupt that. As Americans, only 30 or 40% of us may show up to vote, but if there are bills on the table that will spefically target particular groups, you can bet that huge majorities of that group will show up and act (don't know if any of you remember that work "strike" the immigrants posed a few months back). Now, alluding to what I said before, if each individual were allowed to vote, with the number of "dumb" people in this country, I surely don't want an unemployed or government-dependent population to be able to swarm the polls in favor of taking more of my money to support their load. We already have democrats loading up buses with the government free-loaders around here to go and vote for democrat candidates...I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if individuals could vote on particular issues.

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Pure democracy (everyone's input counts everytime) is a crock and can never work. Personally, I wouldn't want the majority input to happen everytime. There are WAY too many people out there dumb enough to think things like "free lunches" exist. There are too many dumb people out there who think that all laws should be made at a federal level (min. wage, for example...that should be at the state level). There are too many dumb people out there who think rich people are evil and the police power of government (mob mentality) should be used to redistribute it.

No thanks...I'll take our broken system over mob rule anyday. But I DO agree on the immigration thing, and that's a prime example of "majority ruling." No politician wants to do anything about it because the immigrant..aw hell, let me call it what it is...the hispanic population of this culture is overwhelmingly opposed to limiting any type of border-crossing, either legally or illegally. Politicians recognize the large voting pool they have with the hispanics, and recognize the power of "group voting" and don't want to disrupt that. As Americans, only 30 or 40% of us may show up to vote, but if there are bills on the table that will spefically target particular groups, you can bet that huge majorities of that group will show up and act (don't know if any of you remember that work "strike" the immigrants posed a few months back). Now, alluding to what I said before, if each individual were allowed to vote, with the number of "dumb" people in this country, I surely don't want an unemployed or government-dependent population to be able to swarm the polls in favor of taking more of my money to support their load. We already have democrats loading up buses with the government free-loaders around here to go and vote for democrat candidates...I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if individuals could vote on particular issues.

Dumb people everywhere, maybe we can do something to make the perfect people everywhere and get rid of all the dumb ones........................................Oh ya Hitler already tried that


YAY for the DEMS, VOTE DEM IN 2008

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LOL, nice one Jeff:) Your liberalism knows no bounds:) His name is "RyanH".....I've always wondered what the "H" stood for, LOL:) I don't think he was implying people should be perfect, just that ignorant morons shouldn't be setting policy for our country. Oh yeah, but we voted on Tuesday and that's going to be happening anyways, so who really cares:)

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Dumb people everywhere, maybe we can do something to make the perfect people everywhere and get rid of all the dumb ones........................................Oh ya Hitler already tried that


Why do liberals always compare economic conservatives to Hitler? Seriously? Can you offer even one coherent, logical correlation between the two? I know it must sound good to say (it must because so many do), but I honestly can't see the correlation. I read Mein Kampf...I'm familiar with the reasons Hitler did what he did. They were wrong and dispicable. But why oh why are conservatives compared to him? Because I don't love everyone simply because they are human? Is it because I judge people upon their merits and contributions? Personally, I favor freedom, and there are too many people in our society--and in the world--who don't favor freedom. I believe in the right to make my own path in life and acheive or fail as I please, not to do something and blame the outcome--success nor failure--on the fault of others. I love liberty. I love freedom. That makes me Hitler-like? Obviously you haven't done your research. Hitler did, however, have one quote that the democrats seem to be applying in their unscripted plan for America:

"What luck for rulers that men don't think."

Given the condition of our schools, the impact by teachers' unions, the ever-growing political correctness, and generally dumbing down of our society as it pertains to economics, this quote is pretty damming.

Another quote I'm reminded of...."Liberty is the soul's right to breathe; without liberty, Man is a syncope." And our country is quickly losing it's desire to have liberty. We are shaming the generations that built this country into what it is.

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LOL, nice one Jeff:) Your liberalism knows no bounds:) His name is "RyanH".....I've always wondered what the "H" stood for, LOL:) I don't think he was implying people should be perfect, just that ignorant morons shouldn't be setting policy for our country. Oh yeah, but we voted on Tuesday and that's going to be happening anyways, so who really cares:)

Thanks, I thought it was a good one lol

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I keep wanting to jump in here, but Ryan & John are doing a very good job!

Jeff, you are a great guy, but you really need to be educated on politics - by the right people, not the very liberal, drive by media.

Jeff, name 3 things that Nancy Pelosi stands for that are good.

What about John Mertha? Or Harry Reid? I'll bet you can't!

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Why do liberals always compare economic conservatives to Hitler? Seriously? Can you offer even one coherent, logical correlation between the two? I know it must sound good to say (it must because so many do), but I honestly can't see the correlation. I read Mein Kampf...I'm familiar with the reasons Hitler did what he did. They were wrong and dispicable. But why oh why are conservatives compared to him? Because I don't love everyone simply because they are human? Is it because I judge people upon their merits and contributions? Personally, I favor freedom, and there are too many people in our society--and in the world--who don't favor freedom. I believe in the right to make my own path in life and acheive or fail as I please, not to do something and blame the outcome--success nor failure--on the fault of others. I love liberty. I love freedom. That makes me Hitler-like? Obviously you haven't done your research. Hitler did, however, have one quote that the democrats seem to be applying in their unscripted plan for America:

"What luck for rulers that men don't think."

Given the condition of our schools, the impact by teachers' unions, the ever-growing political correctness, and generally dumbing down of our society as it pertains to economics, this quote is pretty damming.

Another quote I'm reminded of...."Liberty is the soul's right to breathe; without liberty, Man is a syncope." And our country is quickly losing it's desire to have liberty. We are shaming the generations that built this country into what it is.

Oh come on relax, I was just funnin (oops funnin is that a word? Oh no I'm one of the dumb ones. I'm a goner lol)

The Hitler comment had nothing to do with you being an Economic Conservative, it had to do with your use of the word dumb several times. To me it almost made you sound dumb (oops) and the hitler comment was just a jab.

I guess your right again, I must be dumb, because your right I havent done much research on Hitler, damn Im a goner.

I do thou agree with you on the dumbing down of america. Just watch TV or talk to a group of teens. Its horrible how our society has been in a downward spiral for decades. I think it has to do with both parents working and TV. I still think even the us dumb democrats & dumb people have a right to vote, not just all you smart people.

Why do people like you and many in the republican party think they are better than most, smarter than most and just want to push there agenda on all us dummies?

I do know some things about Hitler, heck I did watch Hogans heroes all the time

OH YA , The Dems won HA HA NA Na Na Na Na......................

Hope that was coherent & logical enough for you. I dont have to much ed-umacation, spel chek please

Ryan hope you dont hate me , I just like to argue with all you right wingers its fun. Heck theres more of you right wingers on this BB than little ole liberal me. :lgsideway

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I keep wanting to jump in here, but Ryan & John are doing a very good job!

Jeff, you are a great guy, but you really need to be educated on politics - by the right people, not the very liberal, drive by media.

Jeff, name 3 things that Nancy Pelosi stands for that are good.

What about John Mertha? Or Harry Reid? I'll bet you can't!

Hell, I cant even name 3 things Bush has done right.

I am educated by left & right. I watch Fox, listen to Rush L, & Savage etc etc, I like to know what the other side thinks. Believe me Im not 100% liberal as you all say, Im about 75% thou

Nancy Pelosi, Min Wage, Middle class tax cuts, Stem cell research, sounds good to me. She is also for letting illegals in and Im totally against what her & Bush want to do on that.

Jarrod Im just having fun with you righties. I totally think that right wingers, not you guys, not the average guys, but the right wingers in our goverment really dont care about me or you, even if you are a right winger. I think they only care about taking care of the top few % and screw the rest. But thats just my opinion. I also know & believe that most rightwingers arent for much of what Bush has done, with the deficit, immigration and nation building

Have a good one all you right wingers, see you in 2008, Dont worry Hillary wont be president in 2008, it will be a different democrat. I hope they are worthy

Jarrod, your a great guy too , we all are, at least we all take interest in our country . I know a lot of people who just dont care or know anything about whats going on in the world

have a great one!!!1

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I'm glad to hear someone else here has concerns about The Patriot Act. I was beginning to think I was the only one concerned with my civil liberties.

LOL LOL........The Patriot act isnt bad, yes it needs some tweaking, but it is G. Bushes use of it that worries me.

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...Take your time Jarrod, we've got 2-6 more years to hash this stuff out and convert Jeff to the Dark Side:) You'll love this Jeff---here is my prediction for coming years (say, next 2-6): You are getting ready to see the Republicans start swooning and beefing up the base in a serious way. The Hardcore 30% is getting ready to activate, and will be calling the shots from here on out. If McCain plans on running for President, or Guliani/Swarzt (I already have issues when I cannot spell their names:)), it will be as Independants. NewtG will be our next Prez. I'd encourage you guys to start getting involved at a grassroots level, as i am doing.

This will sound stupidly-obvious, but what the Dems have beat us on recently (even going back to close Repub. win elections) is GETTING MORE VOTES than us. I know, obviously. But they bus people in to vote, etc.....ON ELECTION DAY, THEY HAVE PEOPLE PULLING LEVERS. Think about this--if you had a candidate whose only platform as President was that he wanted to do everything in his power to overthrow Roevs.wade.....his popularity at polling would probably be in the low 40's. BUT HE COULD COUNT ON 30% OF THOSE PEOPLE TO BE AT THE POLLS, BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR HOTBUTTON! Add that to a decent conservative agenda, and he's a blowout winner. And the "anti's" cannot get out the vote like the Repubs can.....ask any Pollster (or at least that is what I've always heard....Liberals still aren't as likely to actually show up to vote. My guess is due to the fact they are younger in general, single)

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Hell, I cant even name 3 things Bush has done right.

I am educated by left & right. I watch Fox, listen to Rush L, & Savage etc etc, I like to know what the other side thinks. Believe me Im not 100% liberal as you all say, Im about 75% thou

Nancy Pelosi, Min Wage, Middle class tax cuts, Stem cell research, sounds good to me. She is also for letting illegals in and Im totally against what her & Bush want to do on that.

Jarrod Im just having fun with you righties. I totally think that right wingers, not you guys, not the average guys, but the right wingers in our goverment really dont care about me or you, even if you are a right winger. I think they only care about taking care of the top few % and screw the rest. But thats just my opinion. I also know & believe that most rightwingers arent for much of what Bush has done, with the deficit, immigration and nation building

Here is what you libs don't get. AND YOU!! ABOVE ALL ELSE!! SHOULD GET IT AS A SUCCESSFUL BIZ OWNER!!!!! Take care of the top and let it trickle down. Think about it: let's say the conservative gov't did something at the end of this year that helped you financially. A tax reduction, that was going to put a percentage (let's say 20K) back in your pocket. Hooray!! Would you keep it or give it to the emps?? Gee, that 20K tastes nice, so you put it in your savings, nobody hurt. But a wise Pwasher down the street contacts your workers and says, "anyone that has one year of solid experience....I am offering a 3K sign-on bonus". They either bail on you, and you lose worse, or give you an offer to match......thus the trickle down has begun. By helping you at the top, you've just helped your workers make more $$. .....And the better off things are "at the top", the more they have to offer things down below. Record profits, etc......let's motivate the workforce with a better payscale and better bennies!! Dang it!! Our competitors just out-did us!! We've got to go even higher!! And thus improves things for the "little man". You make is sound like the top 1% gets some breaks....and they just roll phat. Doesn't a "bidding war" sound better than "forced wages", with constant angst between the top and the bottom????

Have a good one all you right wingers, see you in 2008, Dont worry Hillary wont be president in 2008, it will be a different democrat. I hope they are worthy

Jarrod, your a great guy too , we all are, at least we all take interest in our country . I know a lot of people who just dont care or know anything about whats going on in the world

have a great one!!!1

I bet she is the canditate. Seacrest Out.

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Patriot Act...the only place people are completely safe is in solitary confinement. Give me freedom over security anyday. I firmly believe that it is the oppression forced upon citizens by governments / ruling bodies that encourage terrorism and fear. Terrorist governments have been enjoying their free run of oppressing their populations for years...that America (so far) doesn't exhibit those qualities is a bane to them and a symbol for them to despise.

As for "right winger"...sheesh. Let me just say this: I hate Robin Hood. I hate the character and all he stands for. I've always despised the story and even in school I never understood why teachers were forcing it upon us. Now I know.

Jeff...why do you take it personally when I use the word "dumb?" I never attacked you personally. When I say dumb, I meant the people I DID attack...those who think there are such things as "free lunches," those who think that you can actually tax a corporation, those who think that the poor are victims of the rich. Nobody has yet to defend those positions, yet I can think of numerous ways to destroy all of them. So my use of "dumb," while you may think it is egotistical, is accurate. I didn't say that only "smart" people should vote, I just said that if we were to consider 100% of people's inputs and opinions, we would become a mob state.

As for president 2008...I wish we could get past the normal crap. I'm tired of hearing "health plan" and such. You know what...I don't have a problem affording health care. I have a job that pays for it...the value I provide to my company is high enough that they feel it is worth their while to make sure I am healthy, and they offer it as a benefit to keep me. I don't think it is the governments responsibility (err...taxpayers' responsibilities) to fund full-time health care for those who choose not to get it. Instead of giving citizens things to just fix their needs, how about building them up to be self-sufficient? Government is quick to take care of people's needs, but never to improve sufficiency. Welfare? I'm all for it on a limited-time basis. But don't make it a lifestyle. Government can't take care of all of our problems...just look at NO after Katrina. Those folks have been led to believe that the US Government is fully capable of taking care of them and will be there...the lapsed into a state of dependency and apathy, and look at what happened. Had the culture been not been told all their lives that someone else will take care of them, they wouldn't have stood around saying "When is someone going to help US out??" They would have stood up and done it themselves like the folks in FL do so often. I don't see northerners whining about being snowed in.

Insurance too high? Stop making it a law to cover every possible need. Our society abuses insurance and the medical system. My colleagues here from europe constanly compliment the quality and abundance of medical care in the states...their socialist system is slowly failing them year by year.

Drug war...we've lost it. Put the money into rehab hospitals and stop using 4 officers to tackle some teenager with a little pot in his pocket. Treat drugs like alcohol.

Abortion...face it, California and GA will NEVER agree eye to eye. So stop fretting about abortion and let each state worry about it.

Gay marriage...call it a union if you'd like. Give them the same tax advantages as hetero couples. Let the "marriage" be performed in a church and recognize it as that...let the "legal union" be performed in a court house and similarly recognized.

Taxes... no more "progressive" taxes. No more graduated taxes. Fair Tax. No more "from each according to his ability to each according to his need."

Foreign policy...stop feeding half the continent of Africa while ignoring issues at home. Work to make our country more self-sufficient. We are slowly becoming a world-dependent country. If I were to name items I use every day, I can't compile a complete list of things I use everyday that can be made entirely in America. Eventually China will control the purse strings of the oil companies, and we'll be sitting around going "what happened."

Bush promised ONE thing when he came into office...no more inheritance taxes. They still exist. Not as high as they were, but they are still there.

Clinton did ONE good thing in office...Line Item Veto. Wonderful (seriously, not sarcastic).

Think before you label anyone "right" or "left" or believe that I am intending these descriptions to be applied to you specifically. Jeff, I know you are a smart person...the success of your business is evidence of that. But if the people in the apartments you clean wanted to host a thanksgiving dinner, and told the apartment manager that you should fund it because of all the money they have paid you for your services, do you think that would be right? You may "want" to do it, but is it okay for the manager to reserve a portion of the pre-agreed upon funds for you to pay for the meal without your consent? I doubt you'd agree to that.

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